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I had made it. After a long, 5 hour trip I had finally arrived in a place that truly felt like home. Springwood. Yep, my hometown, the place I was born and raised. I looked around and I knew that my grandparents house wasn't far from the train station, so I went on my way. I knew I had to hurry cause my phone was ringing and dinging of the hook and soon my family would come looking for me. I hurried a long and caught a cab ride to my grandparents ranch. I knew I could have walked but my knees were sore and my whole body hurt. Physically and mentally. Finally my grandparents ranch started to come into view. It fills me with a little bit of joy to know I'm somewhere safe but not to the point where it takes away the pain I have. I pay the cab driver with a little bit of money that I had and make my way up the long dirt road that leads to the house. Half way up the road, my knees give out and I fall to the ground. At this point I start to cry and just let go of my duffle bag that I have in my hand. Then a familiar voice starts to yell my name. "Anna? Oh my goodness gracious! George!!! Hunny!! Its Anna!!! Come quick!!" My grandma runs towards me as I try and lift myself to my legs but feel weak and fall on the dirt road once more. My grandma tells me to stay still and leans down next to me. "Honey bee! Oh my! We need to get you in side. Questions can be asked later." I barley have the strength to answer her and before I knew it my grandpa was at my side helping my grandma lift me to my feet.

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There was still no sign of Anna. No call, no text, and no idea where she could be. Rachel, Scarlet, the boys, and me were all in the living room. None of us could sleep. So the boys are watching a movie letting out a word or two here and there. Scarlet and Rachel are talking, crying, and hugging each other while watching the movie. As for me, I was just siting by myself. I didn't know what to think or do. We were all worried about Anna and just wanted to make sure she was ok. I needed to know she was ok. I looked around at everyone and couldn't take the energy that was in the room anymore. I got up and walked outside. I just needed some air. I sat on the curb and buried my head into my knees. I felt tears coming down my face but then felt a slight tap on my shoulder. It was Smalls. I really wasn't in the mood but he had sat down next to me before I could say anything. "You ok?" He asked. "Umm...yeah... why?" I quickly said because I didn't want him to know what I was actually feeling. "Cause Benny. I've known you for a while now. I can tell when somethings up. I mean I bet if I pitched you a ball right now you wouldn't even be able to hit it. Its ok not to be ok Benny. We all are not ok right now." When he said this I could feel my eyes start to water. "Smalls, I really messed up. I messed up everything. I messed up mine and Anna's friendship. I messed with her feelings. The boys are upset at me—" he cut me off and said "We aren't mad at you. At least I'm not. Listen the boys are just protective of Anna thats all. She's been like a sister to all of us. They're just worried about her and just wanna beat you up for being stupid sometimes but it happens." I looked over at him and said "Me. Being stupid? How?" "You are being stupid by ignoring your feelings and by dating Destiny. Listen Benny, I'm always going to tell you the truth because thats what best friends do. But deep down I don't think you really like Destiny. Maybe you did before but not now. I believe you never did but thats up to what you wanna believe. Anyway my point is, I think your running away from your true feelings because your afraid of getting hurt or hurting someone else. And I get that but once you realize that you wanna stop running and confront your feelings, it'll be too late. That person will be gone."

Hey guys!! This is the first chapter of the sequel! I hope you enjoyed it! I just wanted to let you know I won't be updating right away or as quickly as I usually do. I will try my hardest to write when I can between my school work. Also I don't want to rush this story and I want to take my time to make it great! Thank you guys for reading and I hope you loved this first chapter!!! Bye!!!

Do You Love Me? (Sequel to Just Being Friends)(Benny Rodriguez Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now