The Game I Love

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𝔸𝕟𝕟𝕒 ℙ𝕆𝕍:

I open my eyes and there is so much light. I realize that I had fallen asleep last night and now it is about 5:00 in the morning. I look around my room and it is no cleaner than it was yesterday. I sigh and look for my phone within my covers. I force myself to get up and get ready. To actually put nice clothes on and do my makeup plus hair. I felt like looking nice for some reason. I grab my things and head to my bathroom. I do my make-up and half way through I stop and look at my reflection in the mirror. I stare at my eyes, my mouth, my nose, my face, my hair. I truly look at myself and start to get teary eyed. I sit on the edge of my bath tub because it feels like the wind was knocked out of me. I keep looking at my reflection and I think to myself that I will never be like those girls. Those girls who the boys chase and will do anything for. Those girls who are absolutely gorgeous and stunning all wrapped up in one. I'll never be the girl who has someone who loves her or will go to the ends of the Earth for her. And no matter what I do, the minute I actually start to like someone no matter who it is, something will happen and fate and destiny will do everything in their power to make sure that I get crushed. It's just the way it will always be...

*Time Passes*

"Hey can I come in?" It's my sister Rachel. I ditched the whole 'get up and look nice' plan and decided to just lay in bed all day. Nothing out of the ordinary. "Sure" As my sister enters, she looks around the room. She doesn't even look at me until she gets closer to my bed. "Listen," she says, "Mom and Dad told me that they are tired of seeing you just lay around and not go outside. You need to start putting your life back together." I looked at her and couldn't believe what she was saying. "My life is put together! I don't think you have a right, nor does mom and dad, have a right to tell me that my life needs to be put together. It never fell in the first place. You have no idea what I'm feeling inside." She looks at me and then looks around at my room then back at me and says "Yeah, you're right! I don't know what you're feeling inside because you don't want to talk to me about it or anyone else for that matter!" "Maybe I don't want to talk to you about how I feel or what I am feeling because you come in here and say stupid shit like 'oh put your life back together' what the hell Rachel! You think I'm gonna want to tell someone my feelings after they just said that to me. If you think that you're are delusional." She looked at me with rage and said "Fine then Anna! To hell with you and you're emotions! You can't cry over the boy next door for the rest of your god damn life!" Thats when I lost it and got up and shoved her. She looked at me with shock as I said "You have no right to say any of that shit Rachel! You told me no more running but don't be surprised if you wake up one day Rachel and I'm gone and I don't ever come back. Fuck you Rachel and get out of my fucking room now!! GET OUT!" She turns around and slams the door and I can hear her raging footsteps all the way downstairs, passed my parents, and out the front door. I stare at my bed room door and just fall to my knees. I look around and I can tell you this, I don't feel safe and I don't feel home.

𝔹𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕪 ℙ𝕆𝕍:

I am just sitting in my room with nothing to do when I get a call from Destiny. Me and her have been pretty distant lately and she hasn't been returning my phone calls or texts. I decline the call because it's too early to deal with her. She is treating me like crap lately and only calls me when she wants to talk. But I don't even know where we stand at this point. Like I gave up everything for her and the least she can do is call me and actually want to hangout. I have a really bad gut feeling about her lately but I think it's just me not actually thinking clearly. I get up and look out my window and just take a deep breath. I think back to the days when things were simple. Where my best friend was a window knock away. Where nothing mattered as long as I had her by my side. But now that she isn't, life as I know it is coming down. Life is falling apart and I seriously don't know what to do. But when life is down, there is only one thing to do. I get dressed and get ready. I can't give up what I love especially when the person I gave it up for isn't even calling me back half the time. I head to my closet and pull out what once brought me joy and what once solved all my problems. I grab my bat and my baseball hat and head to the place where it all began. Where life stops and the game I love is all that matters. 

Do You Love Me? (Sequel to Just Being Friends)(Benny Rodriguez Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now