Honey Bee

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My grandparents had lifted me and helped me walk the rest of the way up the drive way into the house. When we walked in, they set me down at the kitchen table. I was able to catch my breath and finally look into my grandma's eyes. My grandpa had handed me a glass of water and sat next to my grandma, who was across the table from me. I knew what was coming. A whole bunch of questions. Questions... I didn't know if I had the answers to. But no one said anything for a good minute. Finally my grandma said "Honey Bee... what are doing here?" My grandma has always called me Honey Bee. When I was little she used to tell me I was so sweet, as sweet as honey from a bee. So I guess that's where the name had come from. I continue to look down at my hands which where wrapped around the empty glass cup. I finally said "Well...umm... I just wanted to visit you guys. I haven't seen you guys in so long!!! I missed you guys and Springwood. I didn't tell you guys I was coming because I wanted it to be a surprise." In my opinion, I was good at lying. I was good at making people think I felt a certain way but in reality I felt the totally opposite. I finally looked up at both of them and I could tell they were confused. "Well, do your parents know you're up here?" My grandpa said. I quickly said "Umm... well funny you ask. No they don't know." My grandma was giving me a certain look as she said "Well we better call them—" I cut her off before she could say anymore "NO!" They both froze and looked at me with a shocked expression. I forced a small laugh as I said "Hahaha I will call them don't worry. I can do it in a few minutes. But if you guys wouldn't mind, can I stay here for a little while with you guys?" "Honey Bee of course you are always welcome." I smiled. "Why don't you get cleaned up and then you can help me feed some of the horses in the barn." My grandpa said as he made his way to me and gave me the biggest hug. I laughed and said "Sure. Once I get settled I will meet you out there." As my grandpa left, I turn my attention to my grandma who was in the corner of the kitchen just looking at me. She said "You know I love you Honey Bee but you can't fool me. Now, since grandpa is gone, tell me why you really are here." I sighed and tears collected on my lashes as I said "My whole world at home is falling apart Grammy. I just couldn't stay there any longer. It was all too much that I just need to come home for a little. Please don't tell my parents or my sister the real reason I'm here or they'll just come get me." "Ok don't worry honey. I won't tell them the real reason you're here. I will make up some reason and tell them that everything is fine. But you have to tell me one thing. Did a boy make you feel this way?" I don't know how, but my grandma always seems to know everything. I just nod my head and she gets up and wraps her arms around me. Her hugs are everything to me and for that minute she was hugging me it felt like all my problems just melted away.

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I couldn't stop thinking about what Smalls had said to me. I was deep into my thoughts when I was interrupted by my cellphone ringing. It was Destiny. "Hello?" "Hi Benny...I just haven't really heard from you. Is everything ok?" She sounded concerned but almost in a weird way. I sighed and said "Um.. yeah... its just been a long night. Anna is missing and no one seems to know where she is. So we are all at her house hoping she will come home soon." The tone in her voice went from concerned to annoyed but she tried to hide it as she said "Oh my. I hope she is alright. Maybe I can come over and comfort you. You know how much my kisses make you feel better." I really didn't want her to come over but I was saved by a knock at the door. I told Destiny "I will call you right back. Someone is at the door." As I hung up I looked at everyone else. We were so nervous but hoped that it was Anna at the door. I walked up to door and it felt like my heart had skipped a beat. I opened it only to be disappointed. We were all disappointed when it was her parents at the door. They had came in and we had all started asking questions. But they stopped us and said "Guys we still don't know anything on Anna. We are calling everyone we know and making sure we have covered all areas before we call the police. But I think it would be a good idea and go search for her one more time before it gets super late outside." So we all gathered around and picked places that were were each going to search. I told them I would search the Sandlot. The Sandlot would be the one place Anna would go if anything. 

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