Sokovia Accords

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AN- Forewarning! A little bit of blood and death is mentioned later on in the chapter, read at your own risk!

3rd Person POV

"How long will she be asleep?" Wanda asked as she and Dr. Miller stood by a medbay bed that was being occupied by an unconscious Ash who had little scratches and scrapes littering her arms and one large gash on the side of her face from Hallaway's clawed glove. She had Hops next to her tucked under her arm from when Sam had been helping her onto and off the Quinjet and, after seeing it with her stuff, thought it would be nice to leave with her for when she woke up.

"Even with her hyper regeneration, she'll still be out for at least a week or two." Dr. Miller answered solemnly.

"Why? I thought she healed quickly."

"The blade that was used on her had trace amounts of Platinum within the alloy it was made of. Her cellular structure didn't react well to the non-reactiveness and it severely weakened her abilities." Dr. Miller answered with a worried expression on her face before she turned to face the Zua plant she had been given by Zaruk, "It'll be all up to her and this plant juice to get her up and running again once she wakes."

"Thank you." Wanda thanked her and Dr. Miller nodded before leaving to go tend to her other patients.

Wanda stayed behind to watch over Ash as she slept before putting a hand to her forehead to use her Mind-stone-infused-abilities to reach out to her and feel that her mind was awake with thoughts racing about "not belonging" and considering going to be with her people and other emotions such as confusion, doubt, and fear rising and growing to the point that it overwhelmed Wanda to where she made a mental command to silence the thoughts enough for Ash to fully rest.

After feeling her subconsciousness at ease, Wanda sighed and left the room, unaware that the gash on Ash's face was starting to turn a mottled gray before it disappeared completely.

A Few Weeks Later

Ash had been released from the Medbay after a week of being awake in recovery and was caught up on what occurred in Lagos and she told the others about how Hallaway had attacked her and was still at large. After that, she was confined to HQ and was told to not leave for her own safety and to not join in training since the Platinum from her injury was still wreaking havoc with her powers making them appear out of nowhere while only fighting hand to hand and nearly setting Sam on fire once when they were practice sparring.

Now, Ash was just laying on her bed in her room looking at her hands with a blank expression on her face, wondering what she was supposed to do now, the whole world probably feared her even more now after Lagos more than just being an alien, her best friend was most likely still upset with her after their argument, and now her powers weren't working properly after her botched faceoff with Hallaway.

What's wrong with me...? She thought to herself and was surprised when she heard another voice in her head,

Same thing as me I suppose...

Sitting up, Ash got off her bed and went next door where Wanda was sitting on her bed watching the news, flipping between channels that all showed the same thing; the whole incident being her and Wanda's fault,

"-How are we expected to place our sense of national security in the hands of an extraterrestrial such as the Ion Phoenix and her fellow extraterrestrials who have no proof of proper residence papers or even green cards-"

In the middle of the reporter's rant, Ash went to sit next to Wanda as we both watched the news she switched to,

"-what legal authority does an enhanced individual like Wanda Maximoff have to operate in Nigeria-"

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