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3rd Person POV

Alone in an otherwise empty, dark, and run-down cell that was partially filled with water, a figure with their head bowed down was kneeling with their hands shackled in front of them with metal cuffs that completely covered them and were chained underwater to the floor.

Abruptly, a door that was situated a couple of feet off the ground with a ladder leading up to it opened up to allow a guard in to yell,

"Oy! Wake up Pyre!"

A stream of light was cast into the small space to reveal Ash, her hair was cut short, she was wearing scraped together pieces of metal and leather as makeshift armor over her old clothes, and her eyes opened to show they lost most of their previous shine and her marks were still missing, but there was a thin stream of glowing liquid mixed with some of her red-orange blood trickling down from the corner of her mouth down her chin to drip off into the murky water to dissipate.

"Back to the cell room with ya, yer final fight's against the Champion." Two guards came down the ladder to unlock the chains and each grabbed a hold of an arm to escort her from the solitary confinement cell to the main holding area and she provided no resistance.

"Urgh!" Ash grunted in pain as she was all but shoved into the cell area before the guards slammed the door shut behind her.

"A-holes..." Ash muttered as she picked herself up and went to sit against the wall before falling back asleep.

A little while later, another familiar face was also tossed into the cell area and, after talking with two of the fellow prisoners, Miek and Korg, found out an important piece of information,

"Oh New Doug look's like you'll be fighting the Champion with Pyre then so at least you won't die alone!"

"Pyre?" Thor questioned and Korg told him,

"Oh yeah she just got back from solitary confinement before you showed up. I tell ya that girl's been in there more times than I can count.. which is a lot actually..."

Thor walked around the freaky circle, wondering how he could've missed seeing her before, to see a battered and armor-clad Ash sitting against the wall with her eyes closed and he kneeled down to grab her shoulders and gently shake her awake,

"Ash? Ash!"

"I told you Korg I can't weld your falling pebbles back onto yo-" Ash started to say in an annoyed tone as she groggily woke up until she saw who was in front of her and stopped to stare and ask in disbelief,


"Yes yes it's me."

She looked like she was about to jump up and hug him when she stopped, narrowed her eyes a bit, and harshly slapped his face.

"OW! What was that for?!" Thor exclaimed, surprised more at how much the slap had actually hurt than at how she slapped him.

"You are real! I'm not hallucinating again!" She grinned before jumping up to hug him and Thor just stood there a bit dumbfounded.

"Glad I could be real? Wait." He pulled her off of him to look her in the eyes to ask, "Why are you here? How did you get here?"

"Well long story short after you left Earth, there was this whole 'Sokovia Accords' situation that basically outlawed me, my people, and the others who didn't sign it, most of us ended up having to stay hidden in Wakanda and, when I went after my old armband power source, some kind of wormhole in the Bermuda Triangle sucked me up and spit me out here on Sakaar."

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