Taking Back What's Hers

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Takes Place After Civil War but before Ragnarok

3rd Person POV with Ash and Xay

"And if the inverse of the integer were to equal this then that would mean that this variable would be...?" Ash asked Xay as she continued with her lesson with him on Earth mathematics.

"Yeah you lost me back on the inverse..." Xay grinned sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck and Wickity squawked from his position on top of Xay's head, adorably half-buried in his messy hair.

"How goes the lesson?" Shuri teased as she walked in with a box she set down on the table before walking over to Ash and Xay's work table.

"I was not meant for academics that's for sure." Xay told her with his sheepish grin still on his face, "I was meant for more danger and adventure."

"Weeeell, I can't offer danger, but what I can offer are suit upgrades." Shuri gestured to the box and they saw that it was full of tech and there were rolls of fabrics on the side.

"Why? It's not like I'm going on a mission anytime soon after the last one was a failure." Ash questioned, referring to her last mission in San Francisco.

"Yes, a failure" Shuri smiled at Ash knowingly, "Well, call this suit a last resort in case of an emergency. Thanks to the knowledge that we acquired that, unlike your planet's Alculan metal, Vibranium amplifies both your powers, these new suits should be able to give you both a power boost if the need ever arises while filtering out the radiation from yourflames." She motioned to Ash at the last part of her sentence.

"'Filter'? I thought you said you were already done with a possible cure for my radiation affliction."

"Yes, but, I'm afraid without a sample of your original armband's concentrated ionized radiation power signature, I can't fully neutralize the anomaly within your body's cells."

"Why would that matter?"

"Because of how often you had to use it before you turned to the method of draining in contrast to neutralizing the energy build up before it could manifest. I'm afraid the cure I've created wouldn't fully neutralize that without some of the tolerance you've developed from the armband's power fighting back against it."


"Don't worry, I already sent word to Captain Rogers about getting it back, so now we just have to wait."

"Oh..." Ash responded even more upset at the news of the cure taking even longer than she hoped for.

"Come on Starlight, what kind of tech should we put into your suit first?" Xay broke Ash out of her trance when he put a hand on her shoulder and led her over to Shuri's sand table as she pulled up some basic suit plans and the three of them started brainstorming.

3 Hours Later

"Finished!" Xay declared looking over their handiwork on both suits.

Xay's suit was still a bright yellow jumpsuit with red lining and stripes, but the sleeves were cut off and replaced with his Protector armbands with his Solar Flare insignia now boldly in the center of his torso with the Chrysinthean symbol for protector in the center of the sun to show, in his words, that his desire to protect others burns as intensely as the sun and Shuri had added some Vibranium detailing on the edges of the suit as well as his insignia as well as some arm guards around his forearms.

Ash's suit consisted of an armor plate with her Ion Phoenix insignia on it that led to a jumpsuit that she wore underneath. On the lower torso section of the suit, the striped pattern of her old suit with short black sleeves ending in two armbands fit into two vibranium powered gauntlets that were smaller and sleeker than Shuri's and formed when activated by two Kimoyo bead bracelets. The jumpsuit had a patterned belt at the waist to some black leggings that fit into a pair of brown low wedge boots and a red skirt that parted in front flowed around the legs, both the belt and armbands were decorated with symbols from Chrysinthea with some extra Vibranium being used to both highlight the shapes in the patterns and give Ash a power boost.

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