Moving In

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3rd Person POV with the Avengers

After restraining Loki to where he wouldn't be able to escape, the team met up at a blocked area with Dr. Selvig to send Thor and his brother off.

Instead of her superhero suit, Ash was wearing a black shirt under a larger button up red flannel shirt and some dark jeans which hid some one-size-too-big sneakers underneath as everyone wore more casual clothes except for two.

Thor, still in his armor, shook hands with everyone until he got to Ash and she leaped up to give him a hug that returned with one hand to pat her back.

"Have no fear Lady Phoenix, I will return soon." Thor assured her before putting her down and she went to help Bruce load the Tesseract into a glass tube.

As soon as Loki took the other end, he and Thor were off, back to Asgard.

"'Lady Phoenix'?" Bruce questioned.

"I think he was referring to my new hero's name. Ion Phoenix."

"I still say you should've run that by us before making it a thing." Clint joked before Tony cut in,

"Are you married to that name or is it still in the air?"

"Well I think it sounds geeky... but fierce." Nat interjected as she handed Bruce a duffel bag and Ash a bright red backpack from the car she and Clint came in.

"Thank you?"

"See ya round kid." Nat smiled before she turned her back to head back to base with Clint as Dr. Selvig left in his car, and Tony, Bruce, and Ash left in one of Tony's cars.

"So when we get to the Tower we'll run full diagnostics make sure you won't be goin' boom anytime soon and then we'll go pick your room, sound good?" Tony directed to Ash.

"As long as there are no needles." She pointed in his face as she said that.

"Deal." Tony nodded once and Bruce ruffled her hair a bit saying,

"I'll make sure of it too."

Ash laughed a little bit before she felt her eyes start to get heavy as all the excitement started to catch up to her.

"Take a breather Red, we'll let you know when we're there." Tony told her as they stopped at a stoplight.

Ash just nodded her head and closed her eyes, falling asleep within seconds.

"She must've been exhausted to fall asleep that fast." Bruce noted as Ash started to lean her head to the side.

"No kiddin', she completely fried, burnt, and melted anything that came near anyone, she's got the power, she just needs some training."

Bruce looked like he was about to argue but stopped when he realized that Tony had a point; there was no way someone like Ash would be able to walk around like a normal person without someone wanting to capture and study her, she'd at least need to learn to defend herself without her powers.

"But hey," Tony thumped a hand on Bruce's shoulder, breaking him out of thought, "Don't worry Pep's gonna love her and make sure she's taken care of."

"Imma hold you to that Tony." Bruce joked lightly as they finally got past the stoplight and continued their way to Stark Tower.

Short Driving Time Skip

A few minutes later, the three of them arrived at the driveway in front of the Stark Tower lobby.

"We're here." Bruce woke Ash up with a light shake and, to his surprise, she didn't wake up with a jolt like she had before on the jet to the Helicarrier, showing either just how exhausted she was or how much she was beginning to trust herself in her new surroundings. They got out and got their things together just as Pepper was making her way over to them, rushing as fast as she could in her high heels, toward Tony in particular.

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