Battle of New York Part 2

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AN- Be warned! Some mentions of blood as well as amateur medical knowledge that shouldn't be taken too seriously ahead!

Ash's POV

After breaking off from Steve and Nat's position on the ground, I flew up to an onslaught of flying Chitauri heading toward a building that had yet to be fully evacuated, and fired several molten blasts that melted each warrior's vehicle into glowing liquid.

You got bogey's on your six, Ash. I heard Clint's voice and when I turned back, sure enough, more warriors were right behind me, seeking vengeance for their fallen comrades.

"I can see that." I bluntly stated.

On my signal, fire right above their heads.

"Ok." I flipped myself over in the air to where I was flying backward facing the threats behind me, readying one hand for a blast while the other was flying me.

Now! I fired a blow right as a few arrows were sent their way and, on collision with my flames, exploded and rained fire on any Chitauri who were close by.

Nice one Matchstick.

Hey, I give the nicknames around here... although, Imma let you have that one since it's pretty spot-on. Tony came onto the comms as he and Clint started chatting,

But seriously if she's gonna be fighting with us she needs a cool call sign like... Fire girl.

"I do not approve of that name."

Yeah neither do I... ummmm what about Spitfire? Tony's voice came through.

I rolled my eyes at Tony's suggestion before saying and asking,

"No, that doesn't feel right either. " I looked to my surroundings and asked, "Where's Hulk?"

Aren't you supposed to be watching him?

"I got a little sidetracked." I answered while spin kicking a Chitauri off its vehicle.

A block from your current position, and he's gettin' a little rampage-y around civilians so check on them too.

"I'm on it." I let one flame in my hand die out to where I fell through the air strategically before reigniting and making it to the building the Hulk ran straight through as the people inside stood by the broken windows terrified of what was happening.

"These people are trapped, I can't see a way out of the building from here." I reported as soon as I landed among the broken shards with the people looking at me in awe and fear.

JARVIS give'er some light. I heard Tony through the comms before the AI's voice came through,

A couple paces to your left in the back of the room, there should be an emergency exit to the underground basement that is not blocked by any debris but will require some persuasion to open.

"Alright, thank you."

You are quite welcome.

"Everyone follow me please!" I ran through the wreckage to the red-lined door JARVIS directed me to before I held my hands to the bar where a lock was located and melted it enough to open.

"Everyone head down to the basement." I instructed the people and they all hurried, some limping, down the stairs until an elderly man with a thin stream of blood on his face held an unconscious little boy in his arms and pleaded,

"My grandson needs help."

"I'll see what I can do." I assured him before urging him to head down with the others and following once I was certain we wouldn't be followed by the Chitauri.

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