Bruce is Back

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Ash's POV

Once morning arrived, Thor's plan went into motion; Valkyrie came into the room, messing with one of the guards by making their staff fall out from their strict guard position before smiling at Hulk as he called to her,

"Angry girl!"

The two of them started to play roughhouse before she "defeated" him and asked,

"What's going on? What do you...?"

Pausing before she saw me and Thor standing by the large rack of booze as he tried, and failed, to prop himself against the rack coolly before settling to hold his arms in front of him as I arched my eyebrow and shook my head at the display with my arms crossed and my staff in one hand.

Valkyrie's smile immediately turned to one of contempt as she stepped "over" Hulk before starting to walk away saying,

"You're so thick-headed that you can't tell when someone's hiding all the way across the universe and wants to be left alone?"

"We need to talk." Thor tried to tell her but she retorted with,

"No, you want to talk to me."

"We need her to stay."

Hulk made a sound of acknowledgment before he decided to rip the top of his skull bed off and tossed it in front of Valkyrie to block the doorway as he yelled a little too loudly,

"Stay! Please?"

"Little bit of an overkill..." I murmured to Hulk but he didn't even hear me as he started to bounce a large rubber ball against the wall before I turned back to where Valkyrie had resigned to stay with a following condition,

"Alright." She walked over to the rack starting to negotiate, "Here's the deal. I'll listen to you..." She picked up a fairly large bottle of booze, "till this is empty."

She popped the cap off and started chugging as Thor started to explain,

"Asgard is in danger and people are dying. We need to get back there. I need your help... wow..." He trailed off when he gaped at how quickly she was able to chug the whole bottle before she told him,

"Aaah finished. Bye."

Starting to walk away before she halted at Thor's next words,

"Odin is dead. Hela, the Goddess of Death has invaded Asgard."

"If Hela's back then Asgard is already lost."

"I'm going to stop her."


"Nope. I'm putting together a team. It's me, you, the kid, and the big guy." Thor tried to convince her as he pointed to each person when he

"No, no team. Only Hulk."

"It's me, the kid, and you."

"I think it's only you two."

Thor gave me a look and I breathed out my nose impatiently as I told him,

"Alriiiight I'll try again..." Before turning to go talk to Hulk again as he went back to bouncing his rubber ball against the wall.

"Pleeaaaase won't you come back to Earth with us?" I did my best "little girl" begging face, hoping it would be enough to make him change his mind but he just responded with a gruff,

"Earth hate Hulk. Tiny Blaze stay here instead."

Making me sigh impatiently through my nose again as I put my hands together trying to explain calmly,

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