Meeting Steve Rogers

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AN- Short chapter ahead

3rd Person POV

Three hours later...

After a couple of hours of turbulence-filled flight, the jet finally landed and from what Bruce could see they were on a giant military-grade ship with several more jets along a runway.

"I need to go meet with someone, wake the kid up, and wait outside." Natasha told Bruce as she left the jet after it had landed on a giant ship.

"Hey, Ash..." Bruce shook her shoulder and she woke up instantly, looking around in alarm.

"Hey hey it's OK. We're here."

"Where?" She asked quietly seeing the ocean in the distance from the window.

"I honestly have no idea, but I promise we'll be in and out once we help them locate the Tesseract."


Bruce and Ash got off the jet and started to wander around aimlessly, Bruce almost bumping into soldiers that were walking around, Ash grimacing nervously at the sight of the guns in their hands, until they heard,

"Dr. Banner!" And they turned to see a tall man with blonde hair in jeans and a brown coat walking next to Natasha.

"Oh yeah, they told me you'd be here." Bruce told the man as he shook his hand.

"Word is you can find the cube." The man told Bruce and I just watched their conversation from behind Bruce.

"Is that the only word on me?"

"The only word I care about." The man looked to the side to see someone trying to hide behind Bruce.

"Oh and this is Ash." Bruce turned to her trying to get her to come out from behind him.

"This is the alien?" Steve walked closer, but she just scooted further back.

"Little shy?" The man knelt down to Ash's level and held out his hand saying, "I'm Steve Rogers, but you can call me Steve."

Ash cautiously reached out her hand to shake his and Steve noticed her injector bracelet.

"What's this?" He was about to tap it when Ash pulled it away shaking her head. Steve held his hands up in a surrendering motion.

"Ok, I won't ask."

To take the attention off of Ash, Bruce directed to Steve,

"Must be strange for you, all of this." He was gesturing to the soldiers marching around in formations and military equipment being carried around.

"Well, this is actually kind of familiar." Steve answered looking around with nostalgia.

"Why would it be strange for him?" Ash quietly asked Bruce, but Steve heard and answered for him,

"It's been about 100 years since I've been on a military base."

"I thought humans couldn't live that long?" Ash titled her head in curiosity.

"Well, I haven't exactly been awake the whole time."

Ash was about to ask what that was supposed to mean, but was interrupted with,

"Gentlemen, you may wanna step inside. It's gonna get a little hard to breathe." Natasha came up behind them to warn them as the ship started to shake and the crew members were strapping down jets on the runway.

"Is this is a submarine?" Steve asked as he looked around.

"What's a submarine?" Ash asked curiosity as she tried to peer over the edge of the ship, but Bruce kept her back.

"Really? They wanted us in a submerged pressurized metal container?" Bruce asked dubiously until the entire ship started to shake even more and the three of them moved to the edge to see huge propellers moving the ship out of the water.

"OH, NO. THIS IS MUCH WORSE!" Bruce yelled over the propellers and Ash just smiled lightly, clutching her cloak a little bit tighter as the ship rose higher into the air.

"We better get inside then!" Steve started to walk away and Bruce and Ash were about to follow when a huge wind gusted up from the propellers, making Ash lose her grip on her cloak and it flew away into the ocean.

"Bummer... well better that than us." Steve noted as they hurried to get inside.

"How am I supposed to hide now...?" Ash asked worriedly. Bruce didn't answer but gave her a side hug as they made it inside.

"We should hurry before we get blown away too." Bruce lightly joked as they hurried even faster inside.

674 Words

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