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Underlined text is translated conversation

In Calcutta, India

3rd Person POV with Bruce and Ash

“Ash?” Bruce called out softly through his house. 

From behind a small table in the corner of the living room, Ash with her scruffy red hair and dull mahogany skin, wearing a hooded cloak over a simple brown shirt and matching pants with brown closed-toed shoes popped her head up as she read a book on Thermodynamics for beginners.


“I think it’s safe for you to come out of hiding.” He chuckled a little at her antics of hiding even when inside, but stopped when he saw that Ash was shaking her head rapidly with genuine fear on her face.

“It’s safe, it’s been a while since you’ve been outside and everyone’s most likely forgotten about you by now.” He tried to assure her, but she looked down nervously, avoiding eye contact.

“No…” Ash whispered as she pulled her cloak hood down even more and went back to reading. Bruce came over and kneeled down next to her.

“Come on, why don’t you come with me to town, there’s been a sickness going around and they called me in, but I might need a helper.”

“Someone could see me and…” She trailed off thinking about the last time she went outside and almost got killed if Bruce hadn’t stepped in.

“Just for today? I think it might be good to get out of this place for a little bit, you haven’t been outside in almost a year. OK?”

“OK…” Ash gave in, stood up from her corner, put the book on the table, pulled her cloak hood up, picked up a strip of cloth to wrap around her wrist to keep her injector bracelet hidden, and put a scarf over her face to where only her red and copper eyes were barely visible. She made sure to grab and pocket her pendant as well before Bruce grabbed his medical bag and they headed to the house that he was called in to.

Short Time Skip

Later that evening, Ash was helping to apply a wet cloth to a child’s forehead to bring down the fever he had when she heard the woman who was the head of the house they were in scolding someone,

“What are doing here?! Get out! You shouldn't be here!” Ash turned to see that a little girl was at the entrance to the room and was rambling to the woman,

“I have to see the doctor! It's my father! He’s moaning but he won’t open his eyes-”

“Slow down.” Bruce told the girl putting a hand up to slow her down.

“My father…” The girl trailed off looking over at the people Ash was helping to treat. Bruce kneeled down to the girl's level and pointed to the people, asking her,

“Like them?”

The little girl holds out a couple of crumpled bills in her hand as her voice cracks in saying,


“Lead the way.” Bruce turns back to Ash, speaking in English, 

“Watch our backs.” To which she responds with a nod, placing one last wet cloth on another patient’s forehead before drying her hands and following Bruce and the little girl out of the house.

The girl led the two of them to a house that was at the edge of the town, but Bruce holds out his arm to stop the girl when a vehicle with people riding in the back passes by the three of them as Bruce turned his back to them and Ash pulled her hood further down over her eyes.

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