The Hulk Unleashed

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3rd Person POV with Natasha

Nat, Bruce, and Ash had all fallen down to the equipment room when the explosion sounded off, Nat’s leg trapped under a giant pipe, Ash unconscious next to her, and Bruce groaning in pain a little ways from her.

“I'm okay.” She answered her comms before looking over to Ash as her face was streaked with her bright orange blood and then to Bruce who was growling to himself and gripped his hair, ”We're okay, right?”

He continued struggling to prevent unleashing the Other Guy as Nat tried to get her leg free while talking to him,

“Doctor... Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We’re gonna be okay. Listen to me.”

“Hey are you OK?” She furiously waved away two SHIELD agents who were coming their way and, seeing the current situation, wisely left the room as fast as they’d come in.

“We're gonna be okay. Alright? I swear on my life I will get you and the kid out of this, you two will walk away, and never…”

“Your life?” Bruce’s voice had deepened and now had a threatening tone to it as the transformation passed the point of return.

“Bruce.” Nat pleaded as the transformation was almost complete, but she still saw some trace of the Dr. in his eyes before he turned away and fully transformed. Grunting some more as the “Hulk” roared furiously, Nat freed her leg and quickly picked Ash up.

“They were right, you are super light.”

Turning to look back at the Hulk, she saw him glare angrily back with fury in his eyes and hurried to roll under the turbines as he started to chase after them. Running across the catwalk even as the Hulk tried to pull out the metal bottom from beneath her feet as she clutched Ash with one arm as she used her other to maneuver her way through the pipes.

“Come on kid, I can’t fight and baby you at the same time.” Nat tried to quietly shake Ash awake. With some success, Ash’s eyes pinched up before fluttering open, opening fully when she saw that Nat was holding her.

“N-no, put me down.” Ash struggled weakly in her grip as she was starting to wake up more,

“Fine.” Nat dropped her to the ground harshly, making a loud *Clang* ring out, making her instantly regret doing so.

“Look, I know you’re mad right now-”

“I am furious, all along you made it seem as though I could trust you when you have been lying to us!” Ash cried out until Nat slapped her hand over her mouth and pulled her under a pipe as the Hulk’s snorts came closer before going further away from their location.

Listen, you’re going to hang onto me while I get us out of here and you’re not going to give me any grief about it, got it?!” Nat harshly whisper commanded Ash with dead seriousness in her voice, making Ash widen her eyes in fear before rapidly nodding her head.

Releasing her mouth, Ash latched herself onto Nat’s back like a koala with her arms around her neck and her legs around her waist, situating herself to where Nat could pull out and aim her gun with ease as she crept around with her gun raised, flinching at every sound.

“What exactly is happening?” Ash whispered right into Nat’s ear, annoying her to the point of rolling her eyes.


They turned to see that the Hulk was towering over them, making Ash bury her face into Nat’s hair. Strategically, Nat shot the pipe above the Hulk’s face, forcing steam out long enough to distract him as Nat took off with Ash clinging to her back down a long corridor.

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