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3rd Person POV

Thor and Loki had gone off to steal one of the Grandmaster's ships while Valkyrie had gone to initiate the revolution among the gladiators and Bruce and Ash were in the hangar where Valkyrie kept her ship, the Warsong, waiting for her to come back as Ash paced in front of the ship while Bruce sat on the ramp that led up to the ship when he asked,

"How did you end up on this planet anyway?"

Ash hesitated and stopped pacing before answering,

"A lot happened back on Earth after you... left... so much changed to where... I let my anger and doubt take control of me and it led me to act impulsively to where I flew and crashed a ship into the Bermuda Triangle and I don't even know if Xay survived since he didn't get transported here with me..." Ash trailed off to stop herself from going into a panicked rant.

"Thor mentioned earlier that we had a fight... were you there too?"


"Oh my..." Bruce put his hands on his face in what seemed mostly like shame before Ash was quick to assure him,

"Don't worry, 'you' didn't hurt me, if anything I'm the one who should be sorry since I hurt you more while I was in Tayen-mode again..."

Bruce looked confused and was about to voice his questions when Ash saw his expression and answered,

"Time works differently on this planet and when I arrived here a year ago I aged backward by three years."

"Only makes me question everything about this place even more but OK..."

"When we get back to Earth, what are we gonna do?" Ash asked earnestly as she went to sit down next to him.

"Well..." Bruce thought for a moment before admitting, "Y'know... I have no idea... we'll figure it out when we get there."

"Well one thing's for sure... I don't wanna lose you again..."

"You won't..."

"Let's not jinx it..." Ash chuckled a bit ruefully as she leaned her head on his shoulder and he placed a hand on the side of her head.

"Oye!" Valkyrie's sharp voice startled them and ruined the moment as she announced, "Let's go, we gotta rendezvous with them as soon as they nick the ship."

"Go go." Ash muttered as she and Bruce got up and strapped themselves into the seats as Valkyrie got in the pilot's seat and launched the Warsong into the air and flew through the air over the city until they caught up with a disc-looking ship that had several other aircrafts surrounding it.

"You got anything to deal with them?" Ash asked Valkyrie and she responded by sending her a smirk before flicking up a cover to reveal a red button on the steering wheel and pressing it to send a few laser blasts to the ships that were following Thor and blowing them up.

"Nice shot!" Bruce told her and she responded with a quick,


Maneuvering her ship so it was under the other ship Valkyrie spoke over the comms to Thor,

"Open the doors."

Before two underside doors on the underbelly of the ship opened and Valkyrie opened up the cover to her ship before yelling over the wind to her passengers, Bruce in particular,

"I hope that you're tougher than you look!"


Before she pressed a button to make his seat eject up toward the open doors to where he, more or less, landed within the ship, almost slipping back out if he hadn't caught himself.

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