Final Fights Amongst Friends

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AN- Warning! Mentions of blood and a death and some new Chrysinthean terms that will be defined toward the end but is the entire finale of Civil War to make up for the long hiatus... again... ^^;

3rd Person POV

Time Skip to Morning

"How is he?" Xay asked Dr. Miller as she finished Vision's medical examination and he, Ash, and Zaruk were waiting outside the medbay room.

"For a synthezoid, he's recovering well and should be fully healed in less than an hour." Dr. Miller assured him before adding, "His synthetic organic tissue simulacrum allowed him to take the force of multiple concussive impacts and-" She stopped when she saw the confused look on Xay's face and added, "He's super strong and has hyper regeneration like you all."

"Oh Ok." Xay nodded in understanding before saying, "Have you figured out why and how he was shoved through the floor like some kind of living demolitions device," He caught was he said and quickly stuttered out, "Uh I d-didn't mean it like tha-"

"He knows you didn't mean it like that..." Ash spoke blankly interrupting him as she stared out the window with her arms crossed.

There was a moment of silence as the three of them looked at each other with raised eyebrows before Xay asked,

"How do you know?"

"You forget that he, Wanda, and I are all psychically connected because of our past encounter with the Mind Stone... I know she's the one who did this to him... and I know about Clint joining her, Steve, Sam, and Bucky..."

"Then it's a good thing we have you on our side to fight them." They heard Caleb from behind them and they turned to see he was standing there with Tony and Ross by his side.

"Suit up, you and the others are jetting out of here in five to intercept the targets at the Leipzig-Halle Airport in Schkeuditz, Saxony."

"You mean our friends?" Ash bluntly stated as she gave Ross an indignant look.

"The targets." Ross emphasized before he walked off leaving her with, "I hope you make the right choice..."

"Unfortunately he has a point, you did make a deal with him." Caleb pointed out.

"And it's up to me to honor and uphold it..." Ash added a bit dejectedly.

"Well as much as I'd like to join in this depression-fest I've got someone to pick up so we'll meet you in Berlin." Tony broke the solemn ambiance and was about to walk off with his hands in his pockets when he stopped and gave Ash a gentle hair ruffle like how Bruce used to and whispered to her,

"Hey, if it gets too intense for you, you can leave, I'll figure out what to tell Ross..."

Ash just gave a simple head nod with a tiny mouth corner smile as Tony left and she turned back to the group to say,

"I guess this means I'm heading off to Berlin..."

"This sucks!" Xay suddenly spoke up loudly, surprising everyone before complaining, "We should get to come with you, but according to that military-happy general, we have to stay here."

Wickity crawled up to his shoulder and gave a squawk of agreement.

"At least this way I know you'll be safe..." Ash tried to look on the bright side but failed as Xay argued his voice rising more heatedly with every word,

"I've been able to fight by your side before, why should this time be any different?"

"Because this time I'm not fighting enemies, I'm fighting against my friends!" Ash snapped back, her calm front shattering.

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