Mission Returns

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Ash's POV

I was sitting in my room reading a book that Pepper had recommended to me on my bed wearing a bright yellow t-shirt, light blue jeans that rolled up around my ankles to reveal the neon orange "hightop" shoes I was wearing, and my bright red hair was braided into a single plait that rested on my shoulder and my pendant was around my neck until I got bored reading about humans who hated sunlight but somehow sparkled and were always brooding for what seemed like no valid reason so I tossed the book aside.

"When are they gonna get back?" I asked absentmindedly to no one in particular, but JARVIS was happy to provide an answer anyway,

"Sir and the rest of the team should be back by tonight from their mission to retrieve Loki's scepter."

"I know JARVIS, I was just trying to 'kill time'? That's how that expression is used, right?"

"Correct. Your speech adjustments are coming along well."

"Thanks JARVIS."

"You are quite welcome, Ms. Ash."

"I hope they all come back in one piece." I mildly commented as I picked another book off my shelf and began to flip through it to no page in particular.

"If I recall, your exact words before they left were 'Don't die'." JARVIS played back my words, making me smile ruefully.

"It was a valid send-off, especially considering how last time Tony nearly crashed into the base of a mountain."

"Yes, Sir was not too pleased with having to walk back to the Quinjet that day."

Laughing to myself while remembering that mission, I went to the kitchen to get a snack when a beeping noise sounded and JARVIS sounded off,

"You have an appointment with Dr. Miller in 10 minutes."

"Thanks for reminding me, but I have something I need to work on first." I told JARVIS as I picked up the newspaper from the counter and tore a piece of the frontpage article off and shoved it into my pocket.

"Shall I alert her that you will be late?"

"No, I'll be down there in a few minutes."

"Very well." I walked back to my room and went over to the whiteboard I kept in the corner that had a map of New York on it with wreckage plans from the Chitauri on it, but I pulled the map up to reveal another board underneath with what I've heard humans refer to as a "conspiracy board" with newspaper clippings of possible alien sightings, but that I was sure were other Chrysintheans like me.

"Another sighting?" JARVIS's voice sounded from the walls of my room.

"I believe so." I pinned up the new clipping I had taken that stated that a fire had been started in a forest near Virginia, but witnesses swore they saw someone with glowing eyes walking through the flames.

"Perhaps if you told Sir or the others of your findings, they could assist in locating other Chrysintheans?"

"I can't do that just yet JARVIS, you know how the media would get if they got wind that there are others like me, but some of them are dangerous while they're still under HYDRA's control." I tapped away at my laptop mode tablet where several tabs on alleged HYDRA sightings were open from my research when I discovered that Xavion wasn't the only one being exploited for their gain.

"Alright, I need a break from this..." I looked down at the watch around my wrist and pulled on my lab coat before heading down to the med bay.

I had finished another monthly check-up with Dr. Miller, with her reporting that, aside from having dangerous gamma radiation within me and still no way to fully extinguish it, yet, I was in perfect health as far as she knew about me and my species. I was heading down to the labs continuing my research on my tablet when I heard several *woosh's* right outside the window and I saw the Iron Legion returning from battle, entering the building through the large A.

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