Meeting the Twins

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Ash's POV

"Hmm...?" I groggily opened my eyes to find myself in what appeared to a small room a little bit bigger in size than a broom closet. Beyond the doorway that was in front of me, it looked to be inside of an old, rundown church.

"Owwww..." I got up, only to find that I was still bruised, curiously confused since my regeneration should've kicked in by now. I tried to rub my wrists to find, not only were they cuffed together, but two solid discs of silver metal were set over the radiation absorbing tags and a clinking sound when I moved my legs to stretch them out made me aware of the cuff around my ankle that kept me chained to a pipe on the wall.

"What the?" I desperately tried to pry the discs off my tags, but they stuck on no matter how hard I tried to pull them off. Trying to make my hands burn up also proved ineffective when no heat whatsoever came out when I tried.

"They won't come off and your powers have been suppressed." I looked up and leaned back in horror at the sight of Ultron in a robotic body, one most likely made in a HYDRA lab from the familiar-looking model I had been working with while working with the Scepter and Ultron's programming.

"How...?" I questioned fearfully, knowing I was now at a severe disadvantage and had to be careful with what I said and did.

"Platinum. Your Polynium-based cell structure doesn't react too well to non-reactiveness. A necessary precaution I had to take."

My questioning expression must've signaled to him that I didn't understand how he could know about my extraterrestrial biology when he had told me before that he knew nothing about me when he held up a familiar-looking, rectangle-shaped pendant with a USB sticking out of one end of the rectangle.

"Nat..." I whispered, realizing that she must've had that drive hidden on her for a reason I still didn't understand were it not for what Ultron said next,

"Apparently your friend thought it was a good idea to try and keep aliens off of the exposition radar, but unfortunately she couldn't get everything off the Web." He tossed the pendant aside before walking closer, making me try to scoot away again.

"I'm not here to hurt you." He stated as he unlocked the chain from the wall but left the cuff on my ankle.

"Then why take me?"

"Because you're not part of the problem my mission is to fix." He looked away at the end of his sentence like he was hearing something I couldn't and told me, "If you'll excuse me, we'll be having visitors soon."

Before he tossed in my uniform and closed the door, plunging the little space into darkness for a split second before my night vision kicked in. I grabbed a hold of my uniform and managed to pull the lower half of it on but since my hands were still bound together, I was unable to pull the top half of the jumpsuit on and just tied the sleeves around my waist, glad to have it back at least.

Figuring it would be best to wait until the right moment to escape, I sat back against the wall and listened to my surroundings before my gaze fell to the USB necklace Ultron had tossed in with me. Picking it up, I fiddled around with the chain and was wondering how Nat managed to keep most information on me and my species in this little contraption right before my thoughts were interrupted by a heating feeling in my head and hands as small growls came out of my mouth, my hands twitched around violently, and something wet leaked from the corner of my mouth. My fit was over within a few seconds and left a pounding feeling in my head before I wiped my mouth on my sleeve to see that whatever it was was glowing and warm, even against my heat resistant skin.

"What the...?" My thought was interrupted again when I heard a heavily accented voice outside speaking,

"Talk, and if you are wasting our time..."

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