A Fun Day Out

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Takes Place During Iron Man 3

3rd Person POV in Avengers Tower

In her newly decorated room, Ash was sitting at her desk, tapping her pencil against her notebook, hitting a roadblock in her "homework" that Tony gave her to test out how much she knew about Earth math.

Bruce had been called away on another science consulting assignment, leaving Ash in the Stark Tower by herself with JARVIS looking after her, keeping her occupied with training simulations and Earth homework.

Groaning in frustration, she hit her forehead on the wooden surface of her desk and she heard a voice say,

"You doin' alright?" When she looked up to see that Natasha was leaning against the doorway to Ash's room.

"I thought you were on a mission." Ash brightened up as Nat came over and gave her a hug.

"I was, but I wrapped it up pretty quickly."

"Your solo missions are always finished quickly."

"Yeah, well this one more quick than others for reasons you don't want to know."


"So, what do you want to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, you've had the Tower all to yourself and now I'm back, so we should do something fun."

"Like what?"

This made Nat smile as she thought of something she thought the kid might like.

Short Time Skip

"What is this place?" Ash questioned as she looked at the scene in front of her; small humans were running around laughing and screaming on strange-looking structures, bigger ones with larger people were zipping around at a fast pace, and everywhere people were eating unusual things.

"Welcome to Coney Island." Nat gestured around them as no one recognized the two of them in their disguises; normal clothes and hats over their heads to conceal their bright red hair.

"Is this place some sort of training facility, because that is what I'm supposed to be doing; training."

"You've been training much more than the average 12-year-old, I'd say you should learn to have fun every once in a while."

"That does not sound like something you would normally say." Ash squinted up at Nat in confusion.

"You tell any of the others I said that and you're gonna have to go one on one with me for 'training'..." Nat stated dangerously low.

"Now that sounds like the Nat I know."

"Come on, look we'll hang around here for one hour, if you don't like it then we'll head back to the Tower, deal?"

"Deal." Ash and Nat shook hands to make it "official" before Ash asked,

"So what do we do first?"

"Let me think..." An idea sparked in her mind and she grinned before saying,

"I think I know just the thing."

Another Short Time Skip

"So I just strap this on and then pull this down?" Ash did so on the ride that Nat had chosen; one where there were two people on each side of a tall rectangular pillar that seemed to go up pretty high.

"Yep and hold on." Nat told her from beside her as the ride was started up.

"Why?" Ash asked nervously as their seats started moving slowly toward the top of the pillar.

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