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AN- Here's the last filler chapter before Age of Ultron which I will post the first chapter of soon and will, hopefully, be able to work on the rest over the summer more often. In this chapter, there will be a little more insight into the Chrysinthean species. I hope you all enjoy it ^^

After Winter Soldier but Before Age of Ultron

Somewhere in Oregon

Ash's POV

"Why are we out here?" I questioned looking at the variety of structures that human children were running around, climbing on oddly shaped structures, and doing... whatever it was that human children do. Despite being on Earth for a few years already, I still found some of their ways strange and confusing to understand.

"Because, you're still a kid, and kids shouldn't be cooped up inside a lab all the time, or on spontaneous life-threatening missions, you need some time outside to enjoy yourself." Bruce explained to her, shooting a bit of a pointed look at "life threatening missions", filling me with guilt since I had caved about the events during Project Insight in D.C. when he asked where I had been after arriving back at the Tower, against Nat's wishes.

"I'm already going to hear from Nat about telling you, do you really need to add to the punishment?" I questioned sulkily.

"Yes." Bruce replied as he pulled his cap down further over his face as a couple pushing their baby along in a stroller passed the two of them.

"I'm already enduring enough punishment with having to wear this mask." I grumbled a bit as I pulled at the thin photostatic veil that was concealing my face to make me look more human, but felt incredibly uncomfortable against my skin.

"Well it was either that or liquid concealer and even I think that's too much of a punishment."

"So what do I do?" I walked up to a structure where small, rubber, rectangle seats on the ends of chains rested on a frame of metal.

"You sit down and swing."

"Ok..." I sat down on the seat and leaned back, expecting there to be a backing, but instead, I fell backward hitting the ground full force.

"Ow..." I sat up rubbing my back before Bruce helped me up by my arm.

"No no you need to hold on to the chains and swing." Bruce motioned to another human child "swinging" by kicking their legs forward and backward to create the swinging momentum.

"Very well..." I got back onto the seat, holding onto the chains with a vise grip before attempting to kick my legs in a similar fashion to the child on my right, only resulting in slight rocking in place rather than full force swinging. Groaning in frustration, I hung my head and asked,

"I'm not doing this correctly, am I?"

"No, but you know you could just ask for help, right?" Bruce smiled as he stepped forward and pushed my back, making me swing forward.

"Now kick your legs back." He instructed and I did so, pushing myself back.

"Now kick forward." I did so again, going even higher this time.

"Alright you got it." I looked back to see Bruce grinning and clapping lightly as I continued the motions, enjoying the slight breeze ruffling my hair and my vision being filled with the sky with each forward motion.

Just as I felt myself begin to smile, a harsh *Boom* sounded from afar and I snapped my head forward to see a plume of smoke rising in the distance and people running away with their children screaming.

"Oh no..." I pulled myself to a stand on the swing and leaped forward when it went forward, doing a front flip before landing in a crouch like Natasha had taught me before running forward.

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