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I wake up sweating with Eve's small body draped over me. She had a nightmare last night and asked if she could sleep in here. I couldn't turn her down when she was staring at me with wide eyes, crying and talking about police officers. I told her to stay on her side, but the little brat sleeps like a wild child.

I try to push her off of me as gently as I can. She stirs in her sleep and rolls over but doesn't wake up.

I take a hot shower, making sure that the hot water burns my skin. My curly hair starts to slowly frizz into an Afro and I take that as my cue to get out.

I really don't feel like going to school today. I know I told my mom I could handle myself, but there's only so much a person can take. Why can't I just go through one day without hateful glares, cruel comments, and hurtful jokes?

I shake the thoughts from my head and focus on getting dressed. I decide on a pair of blue jeans, a blue crop top along with my black cardigan, and black flats. As for my hair, it's pulled back into a low bun this time, considering the frizzy mess it turned into due to my hot shower.

I take one last look at Eve before walking out of my room. She's still sprawled across my bed with her mouth open with a line of drool down her cheek. I'm glad she's here though, homeschooled instead of dealing with those stupid kids. She's safe and that's all that matters.

The school doors open with a gush of wind and every hateful glare following along with it.

I ignore them and walk down the hall with my head held high until I trip over a long shoe.

"Oops. Sorry," I look up to see the girl I punched last week, Ana, I think her name was.

She smirks at me as the hall fills with laughter. I feel like punching her again, but I know it won't solve anything.

"Jesus Harmony, are you okay?" Alexander's green eyes burn into mine as he tries to help me up.

"I.. uhm... yeah I'm fine," I answer when I'm standing again. I don't know how I feel about Alex anymore since I know who his father is. His smile holds no hostility or hate, only kindness, but I can't be too sure.

"We're still on for tonight, right Alex?" Ana questions from behind us. Alex gives her a simple nod before turning back to me.

"You want me to walk you to class?" He questions. I shrug my shoulders since my class is literally five feet away. He studies my face, seeming to question my dry reaction.

The rest of the day goes by as expected and I'm worn out by the end of the day.

"Hey," Alex's voice startles me, making me jump.

"Hi," I mumble and he gives me that same look as earlier.

"I was just wondering if you would want to maybe.. " his cheeks are red again. "If you maybe wanted to come over, like now and hang out or something?"

"I thought you had plans with Ana," I say, almost vomiting as her name leaves my mouth.

"I did, but she was being such a bitch to you, so I told her I'd be busy."

"Oh," is all I say.

He clears his throat. "So do you want to or...?"

I don't think it's a good idea for me to be anywhere near Alex's father. The thought of being even five feet from him makes me shudder.

"I don't know if that's a good idea.." I trail off. I'm not sure if he knows about what his father did last week. I don't remember seeing him in the crowd of people, or anyone my age for that matter. I look into his eyes again. There's no way he could know what happened, but hanging out with him feels dangerous.

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