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I've been in this hospital for about 3 days and I'm so ready to leave. The food is terrible and it's always freezing in here. The only thing good about this is being pampered and not having to do anything for once.

Right now I'm eating what I think is steak while watching the news on the small tv located across the room.

All I see on the news is sadness and violence. There's a happy story here and there, but overwhelmingly, it seems as though the world is just a dramatic shit hole. I thought Sunnytown was bad, but I've completely forgotten about the world outside the little town. It seems like the whole country is a Sunnytown in itself now.

The door clicks open and three people step through the door. Two adults and a little girl walk towards the bed that I'm sitting in. I recognize them as the family that wanted to buy the house down the street from mine. The little girl is who I saved from Alex's dad...

"Harmony!" The little girl squeals. She actually remembered my name.

"Hi," I say weakly to the little girl who's name I think is Nina.

"Thank you for saving me," she says.

Her mother grabs my hand, stares straight into my eyes, and for some reason, I feel a rush of warmth through my body. Her eyes are so calm, so mysterious and gentle. The hijab on her head makes her even more mysterious and beautiful. I become intranced for a moment before I realize what she's saying to me. "Thank you so much for saving my baby, Harmony. You will always be speacial to our family". She looks to her husband. He smiles and grabs my other hand.

It makes me feel warm inside knowing that I helped a family. Nina would probably be dead if I weren't there. I'm glad that she's okay. The little girl stares up at me. Her eyes give me the same feeling as her mother's. That same calm, peaceful feeling.

After about two hours of talking to the sweet family, they head home. They gave me their numbers and told me to contact them anytime and to arrange a dinner with my family. I thanked them for coming to see me. They all hugged me and Nina gave me a flower that she was hiding in her pocket.

When I'm alone again I change the channel to cartoons. I enjoy them for about thirty minutes before my nurse walks through the door. My nurse is a tall woman with red hair and blue eyes. She walks across the room, smooths out her shirt and smiles at me.

"How are you doing Harmony?"

"I'm doing good. I feel a lot better."

"That's great! I'm just going to ask you a couple questions."

I nod.

"What is your mother's name?"

"Jaclyn. Jackie for short," I tell her. She nods.

"What is your name?"

"Harmony," I giggle at the silly question.

"Okay. Now, what is the name of the town that you live in?"


She furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "Are you sure? It says here that you live in Atlanta."

"I use to. We just moved to Sunnytown."

She giggles and shakes her head, "I'll tell them to come down on your pain medication. I'll be right back," she starts to walk away.


She turns around and walks back to my bed, smiling.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask her.

"Sweety, I don't want you to get worked up or feel scared okay?"

"Please tell me," I beg her. I need to know why she thought my mention of Sunnytown was comical. It kinda pissed me off. She giggled at me as if I'm a silly child.

"Well...the thing is Harmony...there's no such thing as Sunnytown, Georgia. It doesn't exist. You may have created it in your mind due to the trauma."

"No...I live there. I'm not making it up. You can ask my mom. We live there. We just moved there."

She looks nervous and her face is now a deep red color.

"I'm not crazy. I swear," I plead with her. She doesn't say a word. She just smiles nervously and rushes out of the room.

What the hell does she mean Sunnytown doesn't exist? I know I haven't dreamed these past couple of months.

While rushing out, she bumps into to Alex as he walks into the door. Once he's inside, he sits a vase full of flowers on the table next to me.

"Alex!" I yell frantically. His green eyes go wide as he stares at me in confusion. "That nurse doesn't believe that I live in Sunnytown. She says it doesn't exist or something. You live there. Tell her I'm not lying. They might try to keep me here if they think I'm delusional."

Alex lunges towards me and puts a hand over my mouth.

"You told them that you live in Sunnytown?" He whispers harshly.

I push his hand away, "Yes. She asked me where I lived so I told her."

"Shit. Why would they ask that?" He starts pacing the floor.

"What aren't you telling me Alex?"

"Ugh. I'm not supposed to say... but I feel like I should tell you the truth. Don't freak out okay?"

I don't answer him so he sits on the bed next to me and looks straight into my eyes.

"Harmony...Sunnytown doesn't exist at all.. its not a real place..."


Author's Note

I'm so sorry that I've been gone for so long. I got a new job in November and I've been working non stop until now. Thank God the holidays are over lol. Anyways I'm gonna try my absolute best to create more chapters more quickly. I know I've said that before, but school and work has made it extra hard. Starting January I'll have a lot more free time to write. Yay!! So don't give up on me guys. I love you all. <3
Tell me how your Christmas went. Anyone excited for the new year?

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