Beginning of the End

145 13 3

Harmony's POV

"Alex please wake up."

Bile rises to my throat as I stare helplessly at his bloody, un-moving body. He's been this way for hours and I honestly have no idea how long I've been calling his name as tears stream down my cheeks.

He has to be alive. I know he is. His chest is rising and falling but besides that, he's completely still. I need him to wake up so we can find a way out. I would try to figure it out myself, but this is his house after all, and he's way more familiar with it than I am.

I hear the basement door swing open, followed by heavy footsteps stomping down the stairs. My body freezes and I instinctively looked to Alex who is still unconscious beside me.

Soon, Alex's father appears a couple feet away from us. He looks at his son in disgust before turning his attention to me. A couple seconds go by with him staring at me, possibly studying me. Then he speaks.

"I can't wait to kill you and your family," he smirks, leaving my blood cold.

"I don't care if you hurt me but leave my family alone!" I scream. I can't help but imagine my mother, Eve, and Jessie in his clutches, helpless and scared. My own thoughts cause tears to break free from my eyes again.

"Stop all that crying you worthless nigger."

His words erupt a familiar fire in my body and before I know it, I spit in his face.

"Stop fucking calling me that," I hiss. His hand swipes across my left cheek. The quick move shocks me and leaves my cheek burning.

He walks upstairs so that it's just me and Alex again. I need to get out of here. I can't let him hurt my family.

I stretch my legs towards Alex's body. Using my feet, I kick him lightly over and over before he stirs.

"Alex," my voice is a sharp whisper. "Alex get up, please. We need to get out of here."

I kick him one more time, this time with more force. He jolts up and winces at, I'm assuming, the pain in his head.

"Harmony?" His voice is low and raspy. All of a sudden, his eyes double in size. "Shit..are you okay?! You're covered in blood."

"Yes. I'm fine. We need to get out of here. They tied me up after they knocked you out."

He doesn't say anything. He just reaches over and tries to untie me.

"I'm so sorry that this happened Harmony. It's all my fault."

"Don't say that, Alex. It's not your fault. You didn't do this."

"I know but...shit!" His hands fumble with the knot around my wrists. "I should have gotten you out sooner. I shouldn't have assumed that things would be different. I'm so sorry Harmony."

"We don't have time for this Alex. We can talk about it later okay?"

He nods as he finishes the knot. We both struggle to stand and stumble towards the stairs.

"Wait!" I whisper harshly. Alex turns to me with raised eyebrows. "We can't just go up there and walk out. They'll catch us."

"You're right." He looks around the almost empty basement until he spots a stack of boxes in the corner. He rushes to the boxes and goes through them frantically.

"What are you-" before I finish my sentence, he pulls out a pistol from one of the boxes.

"How many guns do you guys have in this house?" I question.

"A lot. Trust me. Just stay behind me."

I obey and grab his hand, making sure to stay right behind him. We creep up the staircase. My heart beats faster and faster as we near the door.

Alex turns the doorknob slowly before opening the door. It creeks open, causing both of us to jump.

I stay close behind Alex as he scans our surroundings while heading to the front door.

It's...quiet? Very quiet.

"Why is it so quiet?" I whisper to Alex. "Where is everyone?"

"I have no idea. This is where they always meet."

The suspicious silence gives me an uneasy feeling. Sure, it means that Alex and I can escape easily, but it makes me feel like something else is happening.

All of a sudden, we hear gunshots and we both drop to the floor simultaneously.

"What the fu-" Alex is interrupted by more shots.

The uneasy feeling that I felt seconds ago has just turned into full on fear and paranoia. My mind is running a mile a minute. My first thought is what Alex's father said to me in the basement about my family. The thought causes a chill down my spine. I yank my hand away from Alex and rush towards the front door.

The warm air hits my skin as soon as I swing the door open. I can just imagine how wide my eyes are as I scan my surroundings.

The streets are filled with people holding torches, guns, and any other weapon you can think of. I see people fighting each other.

I see familiar faces.

Riley, Tim, Rosy, and other people that I know are among the crowd fighting the people of this town.

"What is going on?" Alex's voice is shaky and just by looking at him I can tell that he's freaking out just like I am.

"I-I dont know. I don't know what to do." I scan the streets in a frenzy until I notice something that causes me to freeze. I know that Alex sees it too because he grabs my shoulders and keeps calling my name. I don't answer. I push his hands away and sprint down the street.

My chest burns and tears fly off of my cheeks as I gain speed.

My home, or at least what I've had to call my home for the past couple months, is engulfed in flames. The fact that I didn't see my family in the crowd was enough to make my heart stop beating.

The closer I get to the house, the more this feels like a nightmare.

I hear screaming.

I hear Eve.

Author's Note

You guys guys have no idea how hard it was to write this chapter but I finally got it done. Yayy :). I've decided to make this book 35 chapters so the next chapter will be the last. I also decised to shorten this chapter because I want the next one to be super long! So be prepared ; D.

Thanks so much for the votes and comments. I love you guys! 💙

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