Grandpa's House

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Harmony's POV

I wake up with the smell of cologne swarming around my body. I look down to see Alex's favorite black t-shirt draped over me. Alex is nowhere to be found though.

"Harmy wake up! Wake up!" Eve bursts into my room.

"I'm up," I giggle.

She giggles too, smoothing out her favorite white blouse. Its only her favorite because it flares out at the bottom and she loves the way the bright color amplifies the darkness of her skin and the lightness of her eyes.

I've always loved my sister's confidence. She's had a strong likeness of herself since the day she began to speak. As a baby, she'd love staring at herself in the mirror whenever my mom or I carried her in front of one. I always thought she was just a strange child, but now I see she just loves herself. She has that confidence that I wish I never lost and that I hope she'll never lose.

"Guess what?" she jumps up.


"We're going to grandpa's house today!"

"Really!?" I squeal. "We haven't seen grandpa in so long. I need to get dressed quick."

Eve runs excitedly out of my room and downstairs to where I assume my mother and Jessie are.

I strip out of Alex's black shirt. The smell of it gives me goose bumps and makes me want to wear it forever.

After my shower, I slip into my black sun dress and gold sandals. I set my curly fro free and skip downstairs to my family.

Everyone is dressed and ready to go, including Jessie who looks uneasy.

"It's going to be okay Jessie," I assure him. "I think you've grown on him now."

"I've been trying to tell him that," my mother says. She rubs his shoulder gently and kisses his cheek. "It'll be fine. I promise."

"I'll try to calm down," he says. "It's hard not to be nervous. What if he still doesn't like me?"

"He does like you now babe. It just took him a while know."

"Yeah. I know. I guess we should get going then."

I buckle myself in, preparing myself for a long drive. Grandpa lives in Savannah so we're gonna be driving for a couple hours. I know I'm gonna be bored so I decide to send a couple texts so I'll have someone to talk to.

I send a text to the group chat that Riley, Tim, Rosy and I created a while ago.

*Greetings everyone XD*

*Hello 😎*~Tim


*Hey Harmony! What's going on*~Rosy

*On my way to Grandpa Sam's house*

*Omg! I love Grandpa Sam. Is Jessie with you guys?*~Rosy

*Yeah. He's still nervous*

*I think Grandpa Sam likes him now*~Rosy

I hear Jessie groan in frustration and look up to see that traffic is piled up. Next to me, Eve is sleeping peacefully. Her mouth is open and a line of drool is hanging from her lip. It's both cute and disgusting.

Another hour goes by and I'm still extremely bored. Everyone is busy now so my phone is like a desert.

Maybe you should text Alex, I think to myself.

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