Church Bells Part 2

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"Alexander. Remove your hands from that nigger this instant," the pastor says in a tone I've never heard from a "man of a God".

Alex tightens his grip on my waist making it almost impossible for me to move. His face is a deep cherry red and I have a feeling that he'll blow at any second.

"Do what you're told," Alex's father growls. Alex releases me, taking us both by surprise.

The pastor smiles and continues to speak. "Now let's start our ceremony for our special guests." The entire church goes black with the only source of light illuminating from the candles around the pastor's podium. The room is quiet, making me even more nervous.

Then all of a sudden, the lights flash on, burning my eyes. Once my vision is clear again, I spot four nooses clinging to the ceiling. My heart drops and my mother squeezes my hand.

"Now let's have our guests to come forth." Eyes are on us again, ready for us to stand. Do they really think we're going to let them hang us?

I feel my mother pulling on my arm and I look up. "Harmony get up."

"Mom no," I tell her. What is wrong with her?

My mother yanks me up, causing me to stumble into her. "I need you to take your sister and run. Run as fast as you can, get to the car, and drive to Mr. and Mrs. Lee's house," she says as she discretely places the car keys in my hand.

"Mommy?" My eyes begin to swell with tears as I shift my gaze to Jessie. He nods and wipes a stray tear from my cheek.

My heart hammers in my chest when my mother drags me from my spot. Alex's gaze is strong behind me and I'm scared to meet his eyes. I already know what emotions I'll see in them and I don't need to think about that. I need to focus on getting Eve out of here.

My legs wobble as we walk up to the podium. I hold the keys tightly in my fist, getting ready to initiate the plan. Grabbing Eve by the back of her dress and moving her to my back, I speed out of the church doors and down the street. I hear gunshots, voices, and footsteps behind me but I don't look back. I run as fast as I can while holding Eve securely.

When we get the car, I throw Eve in first and she crawls to the backseat as I position myself in the front.

Rubber burns against the road as I speed out of this shithole town. I'm nearing the sign that says "Sunnytown", indicating that I'm almost free when a bullet flies through the back of the car piercing a spot in the windshield just inches away from my head. Eve starts to cry and I drive faster, escaping and leaving my mother and Jessie behind.

. . .



"What happened to mommy and daddy?" the five year old questions. My heart sinks as I think about my mother and Jessie.

"I- I don't know..." Tears blur my vision and I wipe them away furiously, causing my eyes to burn again.

I pull up to the Lee's house, feeling a strong sense of nostalgia as I gaze at the mini mansion where most of my childhood was spent.

Eve is asleep so I have to carry her heavy ass to the door. I ring the doorbell only to be automatically greeted by Mrs. Lee. She's wearing her famous "Kiss The Cook" apron and her jet black hair is tied into a tight bun.

"Oh my gosh Harmony! I haven't seen you in ages!" Mrs. Lee beams. "Come in sweetie. I'll take the baby." She grabs Eve gently and carries her upstairs to the guest room.

I wander into the kitchen and find Mr. Lee along with a man with his back turned to me wearing a black snapback.

"Hello Mr. Lee," I greet the gray haired man. The guy in the corner stiffens at the sound of my voice, but I ignore it.

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