Peace and Harmony

385 18 2

Alexander's POV

"Get out!"

"Why are you being so rude?" she chuckles. "You know you want me here."

"I don't," I hiss. "So get the hell out."

"Then why did you invite me?"

"I...shit. I don't know. I just needed to get my mind off things but this," I motion between the two of us. "Has only made it worse."

"So you're still thinking about her?" the tone in her voice makes my jaw clench

"Yes I'm still thinking about her. I love her."

"Ew," she twists her face in the ugliest way.

"Just get out."

"Fine," she rises abruptly. "Bye."

I slam the door behind her and sit on the filthy motel bed. My mind is swarming with thoughts of Harmony.

Who was she with earlier? Was that her boyfriend or something? I can't stop thinking about it. Its gonna drive me insane.

I sit up on the bed and pull my hair between my fingers. I'm running out of clothes and more importantly, money. I can't afford to stay another night so I have no choice but to go home.

The thought of going to live with my mother and father again depresses me. Why would I want to live in a shitty home with shitty parents?

I'd much rather be sleeping in Harmony's warm bed...

There I go thinking of her again. I need to stop this.

Once I'm in my car I stare back at the crappy motel. I don't want to go back home, but I can't keep spending my money here. I hate being around my parents, but they're my only source of shelter right now.

When I walk into my parents' house, the first thing I recieve is angry glares. They don't speak to me. They know better not to.

My room is the same as I'd left it: messy. My clothes are all over the floor, my bed unmade, and I add to it by throwing my school books, that I took with me to the motel, across the floor.

I rummage through my backpack to find my phone charger, groaning as I separate the tangles between my charger and my headphones.

My phone lights up when the charger is in the wall and my background photo causes my chest to tighten. I almost forgot that I made Harmony my wallpaper a while back. My phone hasn't been on for a couple days because I honestly haven't talked to anyone besides Harmony on a regular basis.

I remember taking this picture. I was with Harmony in her room that day. She flipped her entire room upside down looking for an outfit to wear. For some reason she was completely comfortable with walking around in her bra in front of me, and I remember trying my best to control myself.

My body heats up just thinking about it..

She had turned to me and noticed that I was staring.

"Maybe you should take a picture," she giggled. "It'll last longer."

She stood from where she was sitting and posed against the wall behind her. I nervously reached in my pocket to grab my phone.

My hands fumbled with the buttons but I finally pulled up my camera, excited to capture the work of art standing in front of me.

I ended up snapping twenty five pictures but this one just stood out for some reason.

I loved how dark her eyes looked, how serious yet sensual her face was, and the way her beautiful brown skin glowed in the dim light.

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