Not What It Seems

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Harmony's POV

I wake up with Alex's sweating body next to mine. He's breathing hard and his wet hair is sticking to his face. I turn on the fan beside my bed since he's obviously burning up at the moment.

He looks so young and innocent in his sleep. I brush a piece of his hair from his forehead and his eyes quickly flutter open.

"What are you doing?" He smirks, his voice thick and groggy.

"I uh...I...nothing," I blush. My face would probably be beet red if I were lighter. Thank God for this brown skin.

He chuckles and sits up on the edge of the bed.

He's been here for at least three days now and it's kinda weird. I never thought my mom and Jessie would let him stay here, let alone sleep in my bed with me. It's all too strange...

"Let's go get some breakfast," Alex yawns. I nod and slide off of the bed as he pulls the shirt he wore yesterday over his head.

We get downstairs and its strangely quiet. Jessie must have gone back to work while my mother is back upstairs in bed and Eve has been waking up later, lately

I make myself a bowl of cereal and so does Alex.

We sit at the table quietly. The only sounds being made are the crunching of cereal in our mouths and the occasional taping of spoons on our bowls.

I take my bowl and Alex's to the kitchen to clean them. Alex hasn't said a word since we've left my room and its kind of strange. Well for him at least.

I take my time washing the dishes, taking in the silence of the house with the only sounds being the small splashes made by my hands and the dishes and a small crack every now and then as the old house settles.

It doesn't take long before I get bored and decide to go watch some TV.

Just as I reach for the remote I feel pressure on my hips before I'm laying with my back on top on Alex on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I scream. He roars with laughter, making his chest vibrate. The sound travels through my body sending chills down my spine.

"You have a weird little yelp," he chuckles. I try to push myself up off of him but he grabs me. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Let me go," I whine. He laughs again and proceeds to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder.

My back hits the soft couch and he's hovering over me with a firm grip on my wrists.

"Why are you irritating me?" I try to keep a scowl but I can't stop smiling because of how cute he is.

Wait what...

"I'm bored Harmony," he pouts.

"Okay? That doesn't mean you should harass me."

He chuckles. "It's fun though."

I groan and kick him so that he flips over on the floor.

His green eyes seem to get darker and a smirk spreads across his face. Before I know it, I'm being tackled to the floor and all of Alex's weight is on my back. "Say you're sorry."

"I'm sorry!" I squeal. He raises himself off of me and I roll over onto my back. Once his back is turned, my leg swipes underneath his feet and he falls face first onto the floor. I burst into a fit of laughter as he curses under his breath.

We go into a full on wrestling match after that in which I end up pinned to the floor, laughing and gasping for air as Alex does the same while hovering above me.

"I love you so much," Alex says between breaths. His eyes double in size immediately after those words cross his lips and I can imagine that mine are doing the same.

"I mean..uh... I," he stutters. "I didn't mean that."

The words slice through me like a knife.

He pushes himself off of me like I have a disease and doesn't bother to help me up. He just sits on the couch and starts watching TV like nothing happened and stares straight ahead like I'm not there.

"Alex?" I say so quietly that I sound like a mouse.

"What?" He answers in a tone that rubs me the wrong way.

I look straight into his eyes which are emotionless and cloudy. "I know what you're going to say. I already told you that I didn't mean it so don't even say it."

My fists clench at my sides as my anger takes over. "Why would you say it if you didn't mean it?" I almost scream.

"I say a lot of things I don't mean," he smirks. Is he serious right now? "And don't tell me that you've gotten attached to me Harmony. You know that you're not my type," he says in monotone.

At this point I have to turn on psychotic bitch mode to keep from crying my eyes out.

"So you kiss me, sleep in my bed for days, protect me, and spend time with me, yet I'm not your type?"

"I've told you how I am Harmony. You should know how my game works. I suggest you put those feelings for me in your back pocket because this," he waves his hand between the two of us. " will never happen. I don't do relationships."

"What is wrong with you?" I finally scream. I've officially lost my shit. My breathing picks up as my anger grows and he just stands there expressionless, staring into my soul.

"I don't have time for this," he finally says. He then turns around and heads for the door, slamming it behind him.

I can barely breath, my head is spinning, and my hands are begging to punch something. Why would he say something like that? What happened to the Alex from yesterday or even a couple months ago? Was he really faking this whole time? Why was I dumb enough to fall for him? Why did I let this happen again?

"Harmy?" Eve's soft voice echoes behind me. I wipe my tears and turn around to see her rubbing her eyes.

"I'm hungry," she yawns.

I clear my throat. "I'll make you some cereal," I tell her, trying to pretend that my heart hasn't cracked and fallen to the floor.

Author's Note

Hello everyone!! Sorry that I haven't updated in forever and that this chapter isn't my best work. I've had a bit of writer's block lately so again, this isn't the best chapter. But anyway tell me what you think and don't forget to vote!

Tootles ; P

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