Little Black Book

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Sunshine dances across my sleepy eyes, forcing me to awake from my deep slumber. When I look at my phone, I see that the time is 12:30. All that crying I did with my mother last night must have left me exhausted.

I look to my left and see my mother still fast asleep next to me. Last night we sat and talked, vented, and cried as I said before. We both ended up crying ourselves to sleep.

Being as quiet as possible, I slip out of my bed, making sure I don't disturb my mother. I walk into my bathroom and rub the crust that has built up on my eyes. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I decide that it's time my mother gets up. She'd probably be pissed if I let her sleep any longer.

"Mom," I whisper as I creek the bathroom door open. She stirs in her sleep. I walk over to her and shake her a little. She groans.

"Come on. It's almost one o'clock. I know how you feel about sleeping late."

"Okay," she huffs while rubbing her eyes. "I'm up."

Downstairs, Eve is sitting in the living room watching cartoons with a small pouch of apples in her hand. Jessie has already left for work and left a note on the fridge.

Didn't want to wake you two this morning so I fed Eve and let her watch cartoons. Have a great day.
Love, Jessie.

I hand my mother the note once she walks downstairs. She smiles.

After eating, I decide to go back up to my room. I feel like today is a lazy kind of day. As I plop down on my bed, I grab my fleece blanket and wrap it tight around my body. I immediately yawn as if I didn't sleep all night, and before I know it my eyes are closed.

. . .

A buzzing noise near my head causes me to jolt up. I pick up my phone and see Alex's name flashing across the screen.


"Harmony!" Alex's voice booms through the speaker. "Are you okay? I haven't heard from you in a few days."

"Yes I'm okay... and I'm sorry for not texting. I've just been dealing with some things."

"That's okay. I'm just glad that you're alright," I can almost vision the sweet smile on his face. My tummy fills with butterflies as I imagine his face.

"Harmony? Did you hear me?"

"Huh?" I'm so glad that he can't see how bad I'm blushing.

"I said did you read the book I gave you?" He sounds nervous. I glance at the little black book sitting on my bedside table.

"Crap! I forgot all about it. I'm sorry Alex. I'll read it today. I promise."

"Okay..." He trails off. "It's really embarrassing, but I just thought you should read it. I know I fucked up, but maybe it will help you to see how I truly feel."

"I'll make sure to read it, Alex," I assure him.

"Okay," he chuckles. "I'll talk to you later Harmony. I'm gonna take a nap."

After saying goodbye, I toss my phone on my pillow before resting my head back on my bed. Shifting my body sideways, I grab the little black book that Alex gave me. It's a small journal type thing with his initials written on the front. I open the book, revealing Alex's surprisingly neat handwriting. Making myself comfortable, I rest the book on my stomach and start reading.

The Little Black Book
Dear journal,
Last night I banged Ana for the tenth time this week. My dick is like a drug to her lol she just can't get enough. She's like my little toy and I can do anything I want and she'll let me. Hehe
. . .

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