Church Bells

713 32 11

Alexander's POV

I wake up with Harmony and Eve's sleeping faces resting on my chest. I smile down at them and check my phone for the time. It's 10:00. Great now I get a fucking lecture from mom and probably another beating from dad.

I gently remove myself from underneath the girls and place a thin red blanket on top of them. I place a soft kiss on Harmony's full lips and another on Eve's forehead. They snuggle closer and Eve's arm stretches over Harmony's face, making me chuckle.

"Thank you for everything Alexander," Mrs. Waters' soft voice startles me.

"No problem," I smile. "But I should get home. It's kinda late." She nods and walks with me to the door and gives me one last goodbye before closing it.

I take my time driving home. I would rather stay with Harmony and listen to her and her sister's soft snores all night, but I know for a fact that my father would know exactly where I was, and the last thing I want to do is put Harmony and her family in danger.

I walk into my house and the first thing I see is my mom in the kitchen. Her face sets in a deep scowl as soon as she sees me.

"Where have you been?" She asks while tapping the counter with her nails.

"I was out," I bark as I walk past her. She rolls her eyes at my normal behavior and goes back to cooking.

Why the hell is she cooking this late anyway?

As soon as I enter my bedroom , I flop down on my bed that is covered with clothes. I take a minute to look around my messy room. Clothes are also scattered across the floor, unfinished food and drinks sit on my desk, and there are multiple holes in the wall from when my dad pissed me off so bad and the walls were the only thing that I could release my anger on.

I use to love sitting in this room all day. It was all I had besides sex with random girls that meant nothing. I would sit here all day as a child, hiding from my father's violence that seemed to always be aimed towards me. But now I just stay in here to avoid all the bullshit he has to say to me since I'm fully capable of beating his ass when I need to.

This room was all I had before Harmony and her family. I've never been around people like them and I sure as hell never met a girl like Harmony.

A loud knock on the door rips me from my thoughts.

"What?" I huff and sit up. My dad opens the door, wearing his sheriff uniform as usual. "May I help you, old man?"

He clenches his jaw before speaking. "Look son, I know I've always been hard on you, but you're eighteen now, so I have no choice but to let you make your own decisions..." he trails off. "I know you've become interested in this nigger and I really don't approve-"

"And what has she done to you, or anyone in this shithole of a town?" I interrupt him.

He sighs, "I just came in here to tell you that maybe you should invite her and her family to church with us tomorrow," he says, dodging my question.

"Why would I do that?"

"I want you to see that she isn't who she says she is. She's a demon straight from hell and you need to realize that now."

"Get the fuck out of my room," I hiss.

He stands and walks towards the door. "I suggest you invite her to church if you want to keep her alive." His devilish grin sends chills down my spine as his lifts his shirt to expose his pistol before walking out of my room and closing the door behind him.

What the hell?

There's a part of me that feels like he's bluffing, but there's an even bigger part that tells me he's serious. I'll ask Harmony about it tomorrow. Hopefully no one tries anything stupid or I don't know what I might do...

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