True Hell

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I wake up the next morning with a killer headache. Last night may have been the worst night of my life. I've never seen my mother that way before...


"Mommy what happened to you?"

She didn't say a word as she turned around to lock the door with tears still streaming down her cheeks.

I grabbed her hand and led her upstairs to her room. She took a long shower and I waited patiently for her until she got out.

As soon as she came back into the room, Jessie walked in and his smile faded when he saw her. "Honey, what's wrong?" he asked while hugging her. She then pushed her curly hair out of here face and took a deep breath.

"Today, on my lunch break, I decided to come home... Right when I pulled into the neighborhood, a bunch of little boys started throwing eggs at my car. They followed me all the way here. I knew I had to eventually get out of the car, so I told them I would call the police so they would go away. Then before I got to the front door, a bunch of ladies, who I assume were their mothers, started throwing this sticky red substance on me..." she trailed off as her tears started forming again.

End of Flashback

My mom told me that she knew why those people did that, but she wouldn't tell me...

Right now she's fast asleep. I'm glad that she doesn't have to work today, but I'm not happy about having to go to school.

I force myself up, take a shower, and try to find something to wear. It's still pretty warm, so I decide on black jeans, a bright blue tank top, and blue and white Adidas. I decide to put my cardigan in my bag just in case my tank top violates the dress code. I let my curly hair down today, since it decided to cooperate.

I walk downstairs to see Jessie all ready to go in his gray suit, trying to put Eve's hair in a bun. I laugh at his struggle and convince him to let me do it.

"You're gonna have to walk to school Harmony," Jessie says as I finish with Eve.

"Walk? What kind of madness is this?" I complain.

"Well apparently there are no buses here. The school is just down the street. I'll take Eve since the elementary school is on the other side of town."

I huff as I walk out of the door. I put in my headphones and turn the volume all the way up and walk towards school.

I have a feeling that today will be hell...

. . .

I walk into the school and immediately get stared down by everyone in the freaking hallway, including teachers. I can see the office from here, so I walk as fast as I can to get there.

"Um.. excuse me? I'm new here and I was wondering if you have my schedule." I say to the the lady at the desk who's back is turned to me.

"Oh you must be Harmony Waters! I have your schedule right here...." she stops speaking when she turns and sees my face. Her face turns from a smile to a grimace. Then she practically throws my schedule at me and turns back around.

Okay...that was weird...

I make my way to my first class and again attract more dirty looks. There's a seat open in the middle of the class, which is where I usually like to sit. The bell rings about two minutes later and I'm already anticipating the end of the day.

"Mrs. Washington, there's a nigger in my seat!" a skinny blonde yells.

"Would you mind getting out of Ana's seat?" Mrs. Washington says, adding a strong attitude to her tone.

I get up from the seat to let the little priss sit down. As soon as I pick up my things, she pushes me to the ground and I fall flat on my face. The whole class laughs, including Mrs. Washington.

I get up, holding back my tears and try to walk away, but she grabs my hair and that's when I turn around, letting my fist collide with her big nose.

She stumbles backward and the entire class goes silent.

"Miss Waters!" Mrs. Washington says after a couple seconds of silence. "Go to the principal's office right now!"

I snatch my things from the ground, and before I have a chance to take a step, I feel a rough jerk on my arm as Mrs. Washington drags me to the principal's office.

In the office, I get pushed into one of the chairs in the waiting room. I sit there, shaking my leg angrily, awaiting more torture that this day has to give me.

I suddenly feel eyes on me and look across the room to see a boy with dark, almost jet black hair, emerald green eyes, and nice features, staring at me.

"Look, I've been stared at, judged, and mistreated all morning. I really don't have time for you," I blurt out.

He tilts his head to the side, continuing to stare. "I'm not judging you. You just fascinate me."

"Let me guess, you've never seen anyone like me before?"

"Honestly, I haven't," he tells me. I don't say anything. I just play on my phone until the principal comes to get me.

"Miss Waters?" I hear the principal say. She uses her finger to summon me to her office, so I get up and walk to her.

"I assume you know why you're here, Miss Waters." I nod and she continues to speak. "I don't know how things were at your old school, but we do not assault other students. This is not the ghetto Miss Waters." Her words immediately make my blood boil. I bite down on my tongue to prevent from getting into deeper trouble.

"I'm sorry Miss Waters, but I'm going to have to suspend you for a couple days."

"And what about the person who started this whole thing? What's gonna happen to her?"

"Well from what I hear, Ana asked you politely to get out of her seat, and you lost control and punched her in the face."

"That's bullshit!" I say, standing up.

"Miss Waters! We do not use that kind of language at this school!"

"Check your cameras to see what really happened," I tell her.

She chuckles. "This is not some rambunctious school full of dirty hooligans, unlike your old school. We do not have cameras here. I'm afraid that you're going to have to go home. Now."

I storm out of her office and rush past the dark haired boy, who is staring at me with wide eyes.

I can't believe this is happening to me. What the hell is wrong with this town!?

I walk outside and let the warm wind blow my hair. I walk home as fast as I can. I hope Eve's day wasn't as bad as mine.


I stop dead in my tracks as the thought of what could be happening to my baby sister runs through my mind.

I run as fast as I can towards the other side of town, hoping and praying that she's okay...

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