He Doesn't Believe Me

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Riley's POV

The entire world seems to go silent when I spot Harmony's still body on the pavement. I fly through air trying to get to her. 

When I get to her she's still warm. This happened just recently and judging by the stillness of the man and woman standing over her, it happened seconds ago. The little girl is crying over Harmony's lifeless body which is a sight I'll probably never forget.

Alex scoops her into his arms, crying frantically.

"We need to get her to the hospital!" He's looking down at her with pure terror in his eyes. I just nod my head as I try to collect my thoughts. My best friend, my sister... may or may not be dead right now.

I sit in the back seat of Alex's car holding Harmony in my lap. I wrapped my tshirt around her abdomen to help stop the bleeding a little. I don't know if it worked, but I still need to try. I can't let her die.

The ride to the hospital is agonizing. I kept looking down at her to see if she had woken up. Every time I felt the slightest movement I could have sworn it was her trying to wake up. Alex said I was just driving myself insane, but he's one to talk considering the fact that he was shaking the entire way here.

Alex and I sit in the waiting room as Harmony is rushed to the E.R.. My body feels cold. I can't help but feel an uncomfortable chill every couple seconds. My nerves are shot and my mind is everywhere. If Harmony is dead, I honestly don't know what I'd do.

Alex is pacing back and forth across the waiting room, causing him to receive stares from everyone near us.

"Alex. Hey man. You need to sit down," I offer the seat next to mine.

"I can't believe he did this," he huffs while sitting down next to me. "I mean I can, but still. Ugh!" He bangs his fist against his forehead.

"Who? What are you talking about?"

"My dad. I know he did this. I just know he did."

"The sheriff?" I question as I clench my side.

"Yeah.. how did you know?"

"You really don't know do you?" I ask. He shakes his head in confusion.

"Your dad shot me too. Months ago."

His eyes grow wide. "Shit... I can't believe that bastard created me." He stands up and starts pacing again.

Later on, Harmony's family, Tim, and Rosy arrive at the hospital. Everyone is pretty shaken up and soon everyone is talking about Harmony living with Tim or Rosy. I don't say anything though. I already know she won't leave. She's too stuborn. She wouldn't dare leave her mom and Jessie.

I look to the corner of the room to see Eve playing with toys. She's the only one that hasn't cried today. She probably just doesn't realize what's happening.

"Hey Eve," I greet the curly haired girl.

"Hi Riley!" She beams. "Do you wanna play?"

"Sure," I tell her as I plop down next to her. I start playing with some cars that she has while she puts clothes on her doll.

"Harmy gave me this doll." She holds up the doll that resembles herself. "She said she would be home soon. She's sleeping right now."

"When did she tell you that?"

"I don't know. I was in the car. Then we got here. She told me not to worry."

"Eve...did your parents tell you what happened to her?" She's really starting to freak me out.

"Yes. She got shot right here," she points to her side. "She said it hurt but she's okay."

"Uhm...okay... I'm gonna go sit over here okay?"

"Okay!" The little girl chirps.

I return to my seat next to Alex, who is now staring blankly at the nearest wall.

The doctor walks into the waiting room searching for Harmony's parents.

"Mr. And Mrs. Waters, I'm sorry to say that your daughter isn't looking too good. She's lost too much blood and is having trouble breathing. We're doing all that we can."

My heart drops and I can feel bile rushing to my throat. Everyone in the room gets quiet. The only sound is of Eve playing happily in the corner.

Alex rises out of his seat and leaves the waiting room. I really hope he isn't going to do something dumb.

"She can't die..," Rosy breaks the silence, causing everyone's eyes to fall on her. "She just can't.. she-" She breaks into an uncontrollable sob and Tim wraps his arm around her, comforting her.

I feel an uncomfortable tickle trying to emerge from the back of my throat. I'm about to cry. I never cry so I try my best to hold my tears in. Seeing everyone else cry doesn't make it any better either.

I decide to go sit with Eve again. She's the only source of happiness in the room and probably in the entire hospital right now.

"Hey again."

"You're back," she smiles. "Harmy told me you would."

The mention of her name causes a pain in my chest that I can't explain. The urge to cry is stronger now, but I don't want to take Eve's happiness away.

"She doesn't know why all of you are crying," she continues. "She's okay. Just sleeping." She picks up her favorite doll and takes a hair bow out of its hair.

I watch her. Her soft movements. The way her lips curve into a smile and she giggles every couple seconds. She really doesn't understand what's happening. I feel bad for her, but at the same time I wish I was like her. Not being able to feel sadness at a time like this must be nice.

But this behavior is odd for Eve. She's a smart girl and catches on to things fast, but right now she's acting like nothing is happening. It's weird, even for her. She can't be trying to cope. She's only five.

I get back up and go sit next to Harmony's crying mother. As soon as I sit down I lock my eyes on Eve again. She keeps looking up ever so often. She starts talking, I assume to her dolls, but she's actually looking at an empty space beside her. She mouths, "he doesn't believe me."

Author's Note

Sorry for another short chapter. I have a bit of writer's block...again 😒, but I promise these next chapters will be better.

Just keep reading and supporting my loves 😚. And also if anyone wants to do some Color Line art just dm me on instagram. I'd love to see what you guys can come up with.

Tootles 😜

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