Mixed Signals

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As soon as I wake up sunlight from the nearest window almost blinds me. It's 11 AM which means Tim left for school hours ago. It makes me feel bad that I've barely gone to school, but I don't learn anything at that place anyway.

I miss my old school, but even more I miss my mother and Jessie. My heart sinks as negative things that might have happened to them run through my mind. I know I shouldn't do this to myself but I just know that they're not okay.

Eve stirs in her sleep, still curled in a ball. She stayed in this unusual position, well unusual for Eve, the entire night. I know she misses mom and Jessie too and it must be hard for her. She's never slept this late before so I have to look over to make sure that she's still alive.

I decide to get up to make breakfast. Tim told me to help myself to anything but right now all I want is cereal. I pour myself a bowl of applejacks and sit at the small table next to the kitchen.

A couple minutes later, Eve walks into the living room, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Harmy I'm hungry," she yawns. I get up to make her cereal and she sits at the table without another word.

I sit on the couch while mindlessly flipping through channels, trying to get my mind off of things. It doesn't help and I end up laying flat on the couch staring straight at the ceiling. Eve curls up beside my feet and we're both silent.

This silence lasts for I don't know how long before Tim walks through the door.

I almost ask him why he's back so early but I forgot that he has only two classes this year.

"What's up?" He smiles while locking the door. "I brought lunch." He holds up a McDonald's bag and my stomach turns at the thought of eating again, even though that cereal didn't even hit my stomach. All I keep thinking about is my mother and Jessie, and its making me sick.

"I'm not hungry," I tell him. He frowns, places the bag on the table, and sits next to me while scooping Eve into his lap.

"You're still worrying aren't you?"

"I can't help it," I groan. "Its impossible to stop thinking about it."

He nods his head in understanding. "Well if u get hungry, it'll be in the kitchen." I give him a quick okay before laying back down on the couch.

Eve is still curled at my feet. She's asleep now which is very strange for her. She's usually running around, full of energy until she tires herself out.

I decide to try to sleep too. Sleeping will keep everything off my mind and keep me numb enough to get through the day.

While trying to sleep, I actually depress myself more. Endless memories of my mother and Jessie and even the small amount of memories I created with Alex invade my mind.

I wonder how he's doing. I know he probably tried to defend my parents. Did they hurt him too?

Before I know it, my eyes are swelled with tears and my bottom lip is shaking. My excessive crying soon makes me sleepy and I end up falling asleep with puffy eyes and a stuffed nose.

. . .

Screams can be heard everywhere. I can't see anything. It's pitch black.

I feel liquid beneath me, yet the air smells of burning wood. I feel around for some type of exit but there's nothing. No door, no wall, just what I assume is water and the hard floor.

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