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Welcome to the very last chapter!
I just want to thank everyone who has supported me and this book. It has been a lengthy process but we finally made it. Please share this book with everyone you know and help me promote this story as much as possible :).

Again, thank you all so much. I love each and every one of you.

I am also creating multiple promo videos very soon so be on the look out for updates 😉.

Enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote!

Riley's POV

"I can't find it," I yell back to Tiara as we flip her entire car apart to find her phone.

"This is the only place it could be," she scratches her head. "Unless I left it at home or something."

"Maybe you did. I'll try calling it one more time though."

I call Tiara's number in my phone and I get an answer on the second ring.

"Hello?" her mother answers. "Riley tell Tiara that she left her phone at home."

"She thought she did," I chuckle. Tiara lets out an annoyed groan.

"That girl is so forgetful. Tell her I'm not bringing it to her."

"Let me talk to her, " Tiara says. I hand her my phone and close her car door.

Once I'm inside my house again, I greet my dad in the kitchen.

"What's up pops?"

He looks scared and worried so I ask him what's wrong.

"Mrs. Waters called and said that Harmony is missing. She thought that she might be here. "

Missing? Shit. She just left the fucking hospital and now she's missing?

"Something isn't right. I'm going over there."

"Riley," he grabs my shoulder. "I don't want you getting hurt. You don't need to go anywhere near that town again."

"I need to. I'm not just gonna sit here and do nothing."

He looks down at the ground while rubbing his head. I don't wait for him to speak again. I grab Tiara and call Tim and Rosy.

. . .

We enter Sunnytown and I get that feeling again...that weird feeling in my stomach that tells me that danger is near. Tiara is fidgeting next to me and Tim and Rosy are completely silent.

We pull up to the Waters' house and Jessie walks outside. We let them know that we were coming to help them search for Harmony.

Jessie looks completely stressed out. His eyes are red and his skin is more pale than usual. Mrs. Waters walks up behind him, and she doesn't look any better. Her hair is in a messy bun on top of her head and she has dried tears on her cheeks. I walk up to hug her. She squeezes me tight. Tim comes behind me to hug her as well. She starts to cry.

"I need to find my baby," she sniffs.

"We'll help you find her," Tim assures her.

I try to think of where Harmony could have gone. She really doesn't go anywhere besides home and visit me, Tim or Rosy.


"Where's that dude?" I search my mind for his name. "Alex. That guy Harmony likes."

"He went to look for her," Jessie tells me. "But that was hours ago..."

"So basically he's missing too?"

He nods nervously.

"Are his parents looking for him?" Tiara interjects. "He is the sheriff isn't he?"

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