Dinner Date

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"We can never be together"

The words have been echoing through my mind since last night when I walked away from Alex.

I don't even know why I'm sad. Its not like he was going to sweep me off of my feet and announce his undying love for me. It would have been nice though..

"Stop it!" I mumble to myself. He obviously doesn't care like I do so why am I so upset?

Maybe because you love him, my snarky conscience chimes in.

Last night when I got back I barely got any sleep at all. Most of the night was spent crying into my pillow and using up an entire box of tissues to blow my nose.

"We can never be together"

I can hear the words again. Why does he think we can't be together. Does he just not feel the same way? The emotion in his eyes suggested otherwise. Maybe he was referring to the town. In their eyes he would be considered an abomination if he were to be with me. He didn't seem to care before though so what's wrong now?

My head hurts thinking about it. I lay flat on my bed staring up at the ceiling.

How did this even happen? I mean I remember developing a small crush on him when we met in the hall that day, but these stronger feelings seemed to sprout out of nowhere. I didn't even notice how fast I was falling for that dark-haired boy with the wild green eyes.

My brain paints a picture of Alex's face, making my body heat up. His sharp jawline, unbelievably dark hair, and ominous green eyes are etched into my mind.

Thankfully my phone breaks me of my ridiculous trance.


"What's up Harm?" Riley's voice booms into my ear. "Are you doing anything today?"

"No. I'll probably just sulk all day. Why?"

He sighs, "We should hang out today. Maybe it'll get your mind off of him."

"Maybe.." I trail off. I really wasn't planning to do anything today. I wanted to be alone, which probably won't be the best for me at the moment, but I'd still rather stay home.

"Harmony please," he begs. "You need to get out. You can't stay sad forever."

"Why not?" I whine.

"Because it's not good for you. I'm coming to pick you up and you better be ready when I get there." He hangs up.

Knowing Riley, he'd probably barge in here and dress me himself, so I force myself up and into the bathroom to take a shower.

I remove my bracelet and undo my hair from a secure bun that it's been in for about two days now.

The running water is the perfect temperature, instantly relaxing my muscles and causing me to almost fall asleep standing up.

I soak my hair with the warm water and fill my hand with conditioner. I make sure to coat each strand with the mango scented liquid, letting it sit for a couple minutes before thoroughly rinsing it out.

After drying off, I search my closet for something to wear. I have no idea where Riley wants to take me so I just decide on some dark jeans and and a nice purple v-neck.

I slide on my black flats and moisturize my hair before grabbing my phone and making my way to the living room.

Downstairs, Jessie is quietly reading the newspaper while my mother is watching cartoons with Eve.

"Where are you going?" my mother questions with a raised brow.

"Riley is forcing me to get out of the house," I sigh.

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