Home Sweet Home?

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The ride back to Sunnytown is long and agonizing. I don't want to go back, but I trust Alex and I'm willing to give this a try.

The car is completely silent. No one is talking and we're all barely moving. Alex is sitting on the other side of the car while Eve sits quietly between us. Jessie is driving and my mom sits in the passenger seat, barely able to keep her composure.

We arrive at what I'm supposed to call home. The town is quiet with only a few people walking about who stare at us for a quick second before spotting Alex and walking away. It's weird how afraid people get when they see Alex. If they saw him through my eyes they'd see a caring guy who is very misunderstood.

The house is exactly the way we left it. I'd expected it to be burned or destroyed by now, but instead its perfectly intact.

I walk up to my room while everyone else loiters in the living room. My bed is unmade, just the way I left it and my clothes scattered on the floor from Sunday when I tried to find something to wear to church. That dress I chose over all the others is now hanging loosely off of my body with small holes that I don't remember the origins of.

I strip out of the dirty dress and start a hot shower. The water relaxes my muscles, scolding them loose. I loose track of time standing in here and by the time I walk back into my room, Alex is sitting on my bed playing with his hands.

"What are you doing in here?" I question trying to cover myself even though I'm wrapped tightly in a towel. His eyes widen as his eyes rake my body and his cheeks slowly turn a deep red.

"I uh...came to tell you something.."

"And that something is?" I raise a brow, trying not to laugh.

He clears his throat and shoots those jade eyes up to mine. "Your mom and Jessie thought it would be best if I stayed here tonight."

"Oh okay," I say. "I'll go get some blankets for you."

"Not yet," he interjects. " I need to pick something up from home."

"You want me to go with you?"

"No," he says sharply before walking out the door.

Alexander's POV

I hop into my car and turn on the engine. I have to force myself to get that image of Harmony out of my mind. Her body wrapped in that towel, all her curves defined..

Dammit! I don't need to be thinking like this.

I pull up at my house. My dad is home so I'm sure that this won't be easy.

As soon as I walk in, I'm stared down by my mother. She doesn't say anything to me. She just watches me make my way to my room.

I grab my backpack and fill it with things I may need for tonight.

"I see you came crawling back," my dad's voice sounds behind me.

Great. Just great.

"Actually I'm not staying. I just came to get some stuff."

"Let me guess.." He clicks his tongue. "You're going to that nigger's house aren't you?"

My fist clenches at my side. "That's not her name and its none of your business where I'm going."

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