Little Demons

986 39 16

Unknown POV

*Beep, beep, beep*

I turn over and switch off my alarm that's been ringing nonstop for the past thirty seconds.

Great. Another day at school, I think to myself.

I get out of bed slowly, yawning and scratching my stomach. As I stand, I come face to face with my reflection. "You handsome devil," I say, smirking to myself.

I decide to put on a plain black T-shirt, dark jeans, and my black combat boots, along with my leather jacket. My hair is perfect, messy, just the way I like it, so I decide to just wear it that way.

I jog downstairs, where my parents are talking in the kitchen, like always.

"Did you hear about those niggers that moved in just down the street?" I hear my mom ask.

"Yeah. We're gonna have to do something about that soon," my dad responds.

Niggers? In this neighborhood? That has to be a first!

I walk out of my house quietly, not bothering to tell my parents I'm leaving, and walk towards school. I hate living so close to my school. Do you know how hard it is to skip when your parents can practically watch you to make sure you go inside?

I walk into the school and am instantly greeted by a group of girls. None of them mean anything to me. I use them for sex and they know it, all of them, yet they continue to fight for my attention.

I walk to my locker, alone. I have no friends whatsoever, and that's the way I like it. Everyone hates me, except for the ladies of course. After getting my books and listening to everyone ramble on about there being niggers in the neighborhood, I walk to my first class of the day.

This should be fun.

"Go to the principal's office right now!" Ms. Right yells at me after about five minutes of class. I'm being sent to the office for cussing at a teacher, yet again. It's not my fault she pissed me off.

In the office, I sit patiently to be called up by the principal. Me being here is almost normal, so she usually never calls me immediately. I'm so ready for this year to be over so I can finally leave this place and never come back.

Just as I'm about to fall asleep, Mrs. Washington walks in holding a girl by the arm and practically pushes her into the chair across the room. She then storms into the principal's office, I assume to tell the principal about whatever the girl did.

My eyes widen as I take in the girl's appearance.

Her skin is a nice caramel brown and she has big, chocolate brown eyes to match. Her dark brown hair is a mass of wild curls which sit elegantly on her shoulders. I've never seen anyone quite like her before. She and her family must be who everyone is talking about. But she's not how everyone described.

I never truly understood why my parents and everyone else in this town seemed to hate people who were...different...when they've never met anyone outside this town in their lives.

She doesn't seem like a rude, ugly, and dangerous person, like everyone in this town describes anyone who isn't "like us."

"Look I've been stared at, judged, and mistreated all morning. I really don't have time for you," she says, eyes narrowed at me. I can see that her eyes are glossy like she's about to cry. I hadn't realized that I'd been staring at her this whole time. I don't blame her for that outburst though. I know how the people in this town can be.

"I'm not judging you. You just fascinate me," I tell her.

"Let me guess, you've never seen anyone like me before?" she questions.

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