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Harmony's POV

I wake up with a tingling sensation all over. I feel high from the pain killers and a little dehydrated as well.

The first thing I see when I wake up is Alex. He's sitting on a pull-out couch, smiling at me.


"Yeah," his voice cracks. "Yes Harmony. It's me. Y-youre awake!" His eyes are bright green now. He looks like a younger version of himself. There's so much life in his eyes. I don't think I've ever seen him this way before.

He gets up and stands next to the bed. I feel his cold hand grab mine and he brings it to his cheek.

"You're okay," he whispers as his forehead rests on my hand. "Thank God, you're okay."

. . .

Later on in the day, all of my family and friends come to see me. Almost everyone is crying as soon as they walk into the room. They thought I wouldn't make it.

"I knew that you would be okay," Eve climbs on the bed. "No one listened to me." She pouts, causing me to giggle.

Everyone is pretty much in and out all day. I feel so exhausted, but I want to see everyone first.

"Harmony?" A familiar voice calls for me. I look up and almost cry when I see my cousin, Tasha, peeking through the door. I haven't seen her in years. I almost don't recognize her. She's changed so much.

She walks in with basketball shorts and a tshirt on. Her long faux locs are in a bun on top of her head.

"Tasha!" I squeal. She rushes to my bed and pulls me into a hug, almost suffocating me. "It's been so long."

"Way too long," she looks down at her feet. "I'm sorry that I didn't come around for a while."

"It's okay," I assure her. Tasha dropped off the face of the earth a year ago. All I know is that she was depressed after her mother, my aunt on my dad's side, passed away. She broke off contact with everyone. My grandma checked on her occasionally and filled everyone in on her condition every once in a while.

"Oh, and uhh...," she stutters, scratching her head. "This is Mindy." She gestures towards a girl that I didn't even notice was standing in the room.

Mindy is a petite girl with tan skin and long, dark hair. She looks pretty shy. She keeps looking at the floor. Tasha grabs her hand and smiles.

"Hi Mindy."

"Hi.. its really nice to meet you Harmony. I've heard a lot about you," she smiles.

I smile at the timid girl. Tasha looks at her as if she's found a diamond. I'm so glad that she has someone to make her happy now.

"So Harmony... have you spoken to you know who?"

"If you mean my dad then nope, I have not."

"Come on Harm," Tasha pleads. "Maybe you should. He's sick, you know."

The mention of my father being sick makes me sad, but at the same time, why should I care? That's for his new wife and son to take care of. He doesn't need me.

. . .

Later in the day Riley shows up with dozens of flowers. A girl is trailing closely behind him.

"How are you Harm?" Riley asks as he leans down to hug me.

"Pretty good. I feel high from the pain killers though."

He chuckles. "Well I'm just glad that you're okay. And I have someone I want you to meet.."

He turns to the girl behind him. She's a beautiful, caramel skinned girl with short curly hair, some of the nicest curves I've seen, and chubby cheeks.

"Hi.. My name is Tiana," she greets me. "I've heard so much about you Harmony. I'm sorry that we had to meet this way. You know how Riley is at planning things."

"I sure do," I giggle. Riley rolls his eyes at the both of us. Tiana tries to squeeze past Riley and accidentally knocks some flowers off of the nearby table. She looks so embarrassed, and Riley seems amused as he stares at her behind. She notices and slaps his arm, causing him to chuckle.

The two of them are so adorable. It makes me think of Alex and how dysfunctional we are. We could never be like Riley and Tiana. I mean we could, but Alex is so unpredictable that I don't know if that would even be possible. He seemed happy to see me earlier, but how long will that last? How long will it be before he confesses his love only to take it back in the most painful way as he can?

"Harm?" Riley grabs my arm. "You okay?"

"Yeah.. just deep in thought. That's all."

He looks concerned, but decides not to question me any further.

After a couple hours, Riley and Tiana head out. They both hug me goodbye and leave me alone in the cold hospital room. Minutes later, the door creaks open. Alex peeks around the corner and smiles.

"Hello sunshine," he says cheerfully. For some reason it causes my stomach to flip.

He brings me a burger, fries, and drink from Cookout. He then sits on the edge of the bed and stares at me.

"Uhh..may I help you?" I try to be serious but fail miserably.

His cheeks turn red. Then he pulls the little black book that he gave me, from his pocket.

"I don't mean to pressure you, but I really need you to read this." He places it in my hand. "It might help me make things up to you... I have to go though. I just needed to drop this off. Please read it Harmony."

"I will," I assure him. He nods and stands up. Then he leans down to kiss my forehead. Before I can thank him for the food, the door closes behind him.

I look at the little black book and touch my forehead lightly. I never thought a kiss could be so bittersweet.

Author's Note
I'm so sorry for the long wait...again! School is something else 😫 and I've had a bit of writer's block lately. Don't give up on me guys. I promise I'll do better.
P.s. the girl in the picture is kind of what I picture Harmony to look. I know I used a different girl before, but this one is more accurate (just imagine shoulder length hair instead).

I'm trying my best to get chapters out more quickly. Just hang in there! Until next time ; )

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