Dark Slumber

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Harmony's POV

After the movie, Rosy drives me back "home." The car is silent, and all I hear is the engine purring softly.

I had fun with Rosy today. We saw a movie and went out to eat like old times. I'll admit that spending time with her today made me sad. I miss being able to hang out with her when I want to, and I miss seeing her at school every day. I miss being at school in general.

About halfway through our time at the restaurant I got emotional. I miss my old home so much now, and I'd do anything to be able to leave Sunnytown forever.

"Are you sure you don't want to spend the night at my place?" Rosy breaks the silence.

"I'm sure," I tell her. "Eve will throw a fit if I don't come home, and I can't stand to be away from my family right now."

She nods in understanding.

When the car pulls up to the house, I can't help but stare up at it. How the hell did we even end up here? My life in Atlanta seems like a blur to me now. All I can remember is being here.

"I'll see you later Harmony," Rosy says as I lean over to hug her.

I watch her disappear down the road and instantly miss her as soon as she's out of sight.

As I'm searching through my pockets to find my keys, I see a family of three about
10 yards away.

They're looking at a cute little house and the lady showing them the home is the same realtor who convinced my parents to lease our home. Something tells me that she knew exactly what we were getting into but decided not to tell us.

Before I realize what I'm doing, my feet start to move towards the family. I feel the need to tell them. They have to know that this will never be their home. I can't let another family end up like mine.

When I near the family, they all stare at me with friendly smiles on their faces.

"We could ask her what it's like living here," the woman says to her husband as if I'm not standing in front of them.

The woman has a strong, foreign accent. She has a dark blue hijab on her head that oddly brings a shine to her brown eyes. Her husband, a tall man with a neat beard holds her hand lovingly as she speaks to him.

"Do you like living here?" The man asks me.

I hesitate for a second while the realtors stares daggers into the side of my face.

"Oh! And are the people here nice?" The brown eyed woman exclaims.

"Is there a pool here?" A small voice asks. I look down to see a little girl, who looks to be about Eve's age, tugging on my shirt. She has on the same color hijab as her mother with the same shimmering brown eyes.

"Let's not bombard her with questions you two," the man scolds. "What's your name sweetheart?"

"My name is Harmony."

"That's such a pretty name!" The woman squeals and her husband covers his ears and chuckles.

"I'm Nina," the little girl says.

"Hi Nina." I shake her small hand and she smiles.

"Okay off you go," the realtor nudges me. "Harmony is one of our newest residents and she just loves her new home. Don't you Harmony?"

She looks pissed and I honestly couldn't care less. I refuse to let this nice family move in here and have to experience this hell.

"Actually... no. I hate it here. I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone."

"You little brat," the realtor grabs my shirt and places her face just centimeters from mine. I smile in defiance which pissed her off more.

From the corner of my eye I see the devil himself smirking menacingly from his porch. My smile fades, I can't help but stare at him. His gun is sitting comfortably in his hand as he licks his lips. He's not looking at me or the realtor lady. His attention is dead set on the family next to us. It only takes me a second to realize what he's thinking of doing.

The world seems to move in slow motion as he readies his gun and smiles a deathly smile before pulling the trigger. My first instinct is to push the realtor as hard as I can, releasing myself from her grip. Next I grab Nina and pull her behind me.

In a matter of seconds I'm gasping for air with blood seeping through my pink shirt. The last thing I remember seeing are two tiny hands and terrified brown eyes that seem to lead me into a dark slumber.

Author's Note
Heyyy everyone. Sorry that this chapter is so short and honestly not as good as my other chapters. School started this month so that's all I've had time for. Hopefully I can stick to a publishing schedule so bare with me. Make sure to keep reading and share the story 😊 bye loves!!

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