Chapter | 47 |

43 2 1

| valentine's day special | dedicated to Mackenzie6399 |

4 months into Ashton's life, things were great. He had asked Katie out a month ago after them having multiple dates at restaurants or at each other's home.

Today was Valentine's day. Ashton was at the moment, strolling down the aisle of the local pharmacy. He threw a forty dollar bear into the buggy then chocolate then Katie's favorite kind of candy, starburst. He had bought roses the day before, and were in his kitchen in a vase.

After he had got everything, he checked out and headed towards kobe for takeout. He had got it to go and was now wobbling down the road carrying several bags. Ashton had yet to buy a car or a bike. Walking was the way to go, most of everyone in town did this or owned a bike.

Around 5, 30 minutes after he had got home. Katie knocked on the door. Everything in his room was set. Netflix was loaded on the tv, her roses were in his hand and turnip, the bear sat perfect in the love seat with the chocolates next to him. The takeout was on the table. It had just been warmed back up after getting cold.

Ashton opened the door, holding out the roses. Katie gasped, taking them in. "You're sweet Steve, Thank you."

Both of them shared a kiss before coming in. Again with the gasping, Katie couldn't help it. She hugged Ashton even tighter before both of them laid down on his couch eating takeout.

"I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Thank you for making me the happiest girl alive."

Ashton kissed her lightly. "Anything. I'd give you my world, just to see you happy."

Even though he didn't know his exact feelings for Katie, He knew it was something big. And he couldn't help but thank Michael for all this.


I hated days like this. There were paper hearts all over the walls, well I guess they were. I wasn't for sure. The art class had made them yesterday afternoon.

We were served pancakes and sausage for breakfast, and heart shaped sandwiches for lunch.

If you haven't figured out what day it is. It's Valentine's day and again I'm forever alone.

"To the single life." I said, raising my glass up.

"To the single life." Calum and Luke repeated. We all three clanked our glasses together. We dug into our grossing sandwiches.

Maggie and Chris walked up to our table with trays. "Do you mind if we set here."

Luke shook his head and they sat down. Maggie was beside Luke and Chris was in front of Calum.

"We just didn't want it to be us two at the table." Chris mumbled.

"It's fine." I smiled at two. "We always like having new people at the table."

Calum picked apart his sandwich, he was still heartbroken about Violet. I could tell. As soon as they released Michael from solitary, I had a feeling I would be the same way.

"Listen up! I have an announcement." A guard shouted. We all grew quiet. Nancy stepped forward. "I'm feeling nice today, so some of you are going to be watching a movie in the rec room. And the rest of you, are going to stay in your room like the good girls and guys. If anyone tries to escape, severe consequences will happen.Do you understand me?" At the last part, she looked at me then left.

"What kind of consequences?"

I shuddered. "Don't try it. She pushes you underwater, slaps you. Leaves you in a dark cell and in a nasty cold water for days, handcuffed to the tub. You barely get fed. And she whips you with a limb repeatedly. I still got bruises and marks from it. When you are in solitary, you can hear the cries and screams from others. Its agonizing and it never stops. I barely slept."

They all had their mouths open. It was the first time I spoke about it since I got out. "Oh my gosh..Is that what they are doing to Michael now?" Cal asked.

"Possibly, He could be getting it far worse since he fought Dr.Carson."

Maggie gaped."He did wh-what."

"Nothing. Forget it."

I was able to go to the movie, we were all in the recreational room. Maggie was on my right and Luke was to my left. Then sat Calum and Chris. We were watching some old time, romance movie. It was either in German or Russian.

In the corner of my eye, there was a limping boy accompanied by guards. I squinted. It was Michael. They helped him sit down and then left.

Should I go over there?

Oh fuck it. I moved over there, beside him. He didn't even spare me a glance.

"Are you alright?"

Again with the silent treatment.

"You know what, Michael fuck you. I'm trying to see if you are okay not trying to get back together with you. I forgave you after you trying to kill Ashton. I'm pretty sure that is far worse than what I did. All you could've done is say yeah or something but no. When you need me, don't bother." I whispered, rapidly. I stood and walked to where I sat before.

What an ass. Happy Valentine's Day to me.


This chapter was supposed to go up last night but I fell asleep writing it lol.

but if you've been voting. I've been trying to follow you. Or give you a dedication in a new chapter.

Does anyone like the theme to these chapters? :)

twitta ; rawrkenna
insta : kennarawr

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