Chapter | 5 |

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"What do you mean people are avoiding me?!?" I asked Calum.

"It's just that you've been hanging out with Michael and ya know his reputation. We think you're going to go crazier because of him and kill all of us."

I stomped my foot. "That is complete utter bullshit and you know that isn't true."

Calum rubbed my arm. "I know that Mackenzie. We all know how you ended up here we just don't want you to do that to us, please understand me."

I raised an eyebrow. "I snuck in with someone who I thought was my 'best friend' how would I do that to someone?"

I was so confused, Calum looked at me like I was crazy. "Still believing that." He mumbled, looking away.

"Excuse me?"

"Just please stay away from him for the time being Michael is insane okay?"

I almost laughed. "We're all insane just some more than others."

I left him standing there in the hallway.

"Mackenzie?" My nurse called out. "You have a session."

There were these sessions they gave you to see if you were getting better or worse. I just thought it was dumb. I didn't belong here and every time I tried to tell the doctor that he looked at me. I thought back to what Michael told me.

"If you want to get out of here tell them that everything's getting better, that the medication is working. Stop trying to explain, it just makes things harder. Also, Give simple and short answers they just want a reaction so they can sedate you. "

I took a seat in front of Dr. Carson's desk. He was a creepy man that was in between his Mid-Forties. Carson acted like a big happy person, he treated you like a child that had just gotten in trouble and simply was scolding you. In this case was not.

"How are you Mackenzie?" He asked, smiling.

"I'm fine." I mumbled.

"Your nurse says you've been hanging out with Michael Clifford..That's good with making friends."

I shrunk down nodding. To be honest he scared me and I felt like he eye raped me every time he saw me.

"Michael is progressing and I hope he can have a change on you."

I didn't say nothing.

"Its okay to change Mackenzie." He propped up on his elbows. "Who is Haley?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

I had just lied. I knew who Haley was but I wasn't going to try to explain that to him.

He wrote down a few notes before moving on.

After my little 'session' was over I was escorted back to the showers with my guard. He waited outside patiently as I showered. They supplied us with a bar of soap and waxing strips.

How convenient. At least I didn't have to walk around feeling like a hairy gorilla.

"5 more minutes." Nick called out.

"Yeah Yeah." I mumbled, cutting off the shower.

I quickly changed into my new set of clothes and walked out.

The next day Michael wasn't outside in the gardens so I decided to sit with Luke..The shy Irresistible Eating Disorder kid. Not that I was making fun of him or nothing.

"Luke you really should pick up a new hobby." I said, moving my game piece around the board.

He smirked. "I know but I always know how to cheat."

I realized what he did and I had lost. "You suck."

"I'm sorry you can't handle the almighty game king."

I scoffed. "Right.."

He pouted. "Your mean. Do you want to get lunch?"

"No thanks I'll pass but go ahead."

He stood leaving me to the game.

"Having fun?" A voice spoke. I jumped, watching Michael take a seat in front of me.

"You mean me losing every game no, not at all. What brings you here all of sudden?"

He raised an eyebrow. "I needed to see you..for some reason you make think happy thoughts."

I cleared my throat "Well That's good to know."

"Yeah..So what's up with that Lucas kid?" He asked.

"First of all his name is Luke and nothing he just has issues and he's my friend."

Michael winked. "Friend right.."

"Yes friend now shoo."

"I'm going, I'm going."

Luke sat down almost immediately after Michael left. His tray plopped down only containing a milk and few crackers.

"What did he want?"

"Nothing.. So are you up for another round?" I grinned.

"You're on Mac Let the almighty game king win again." He fist pumped.

I laughed, placing our game pieces on start again.

"This time you will lose."

"In your dreams." Luke smirked.

"Oh yes because I dream of you losing a board game all the time."

"I knew you dreamed about me."

I let out groan. "Just roll the dice Hemming."


Sorry for the cussing but that is what makes a good book. Is this the first time I've cussed in this book? ....

I can not get the right picture I want for Michael or any of the boys which sucks. I could if I met them but noo they didn't come to the southern side of the united states when they toured.

Michael is adorable and like I love him. I've had a thing for the ones that are like outcast and most people think are ugly. Like Niall from 1D, he is hot.


Ashton will be in the book..maybe.. who knows?


Have you noticed I've been updating more frequently ? :)





I want to know what your opinions are on this book.

Oh and if you are from my book Intertwined just want to say Hello! :)

- McKenna

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