Chapter | 48 |

42 2 2

| check out my Luke Fanfiction on my profile. Its called Coworkers|

Michael being a dick was an understatement. Last night was still fresh on my mind and every time I thought about it, I got mad.

We were in the Rec room. Just a couple of more months, until we were able to go back out to Garden. I loved it there.

Some were dancing to the jukebox, reading a magazine or playing a game of chess.

Luke was in a session, Calum had classes, Maggie was in her room, and chris was playing chess with an old lady. So it left me, by myself basically on a cheap piece of couch. I would pretend to read a magazine when really I was watching Michael. He was as well was playing chess with the sex addict, Sadie Green but she liked to be called Brittany.

Sadie put a cigarette in between her lips and lit it with a match. She took a whiff and handed it to Michael. They both shared her cigarette back and forth.

Since when did Michael start smoking again?

I narrowed my eyes at him. Is that his play? flirting with the sex addict. Two can play at the same game.

I walked over to Ed. He sat diagonal from Michael, a clear view for him actually. Ed was actually decent looking, he was in here for... well I don't know. Its confidential, you only know why someone is in here unless you tell them or you figure it out yourself. Anyways he had ruffled brunette hair, green piercing eyes, and a very toned body. It never occurred to me now why he didn't fight the guards to get out. The dude has muscles! Within months, they'll be gone because of the food they gave us.

"Ed..How are you?" I smiled.

His eye begun to twitch. "Good..Great.. I don't know. I'm sorry. Stupid Stupid." Ed then began beat his palm against his temple.

My eyes widened and I grabbed his hands. "Its okay, calm down."

In the corner of my eye, I felt Michael looking at me. That was my Que.

"Do you wanna play cards?" I picked up the deck of cards, putting them in his hand and intertwining our fingers.


I dealed out seven cards for each of us after deciding to play gold fish. Not even five minutes later, Ed stood up abruptly and shook his head. "This isn't right, no." He began to pace in front of the table back in forth, gripping his hair.

"Ed? What isn't right?"

"This!" He gestured to the cards. Still confused. "We can play something else."

"You don't get it still!" Ed got a little bit angrier. "I can fix this." then Ed jumped on top of me and started choking me. I gasped, clawing his arms.

He was pulled off by the guards and dragged off. Michael held me in his arms as I cried. I tried to regain my breathing as I clutched my neck.

Chris crouched down in front of us, murmuring. "Mac.. He's OCD , He's Suffers from Panic Attack's and Severe Anger Issues. You could've been hurt."

Before I could talk, Michael cut in with a glare at Chris. "She didn't know. Leave her alone."

Chris's eyes widened and he left. I stood up. "Um..Thanks."

Michael scratched his head, awkwardly. "Your welcome." I began to turn when he caught my arm. "You were right, but I'm fine. Its much better to be out here then in that cold, dark place."

"Oh uh yeah, I guess so. I'll catch you later Mikey."

I walked pretty fast out of the room, clutching my stomach. I was gonna be sick.

It was either the fact that I have a sesame seed in my stomach that hasn't formed into a baby yet or that Michael and I talked. Either way, I didn't feel so good. I was craving blueberry pie.

Yeah.. Pie sounded good when I wasn't puking my guts out in a stinky bathroom.

"Mackenzie hurry up in there! You have a session."

And that's when my face paled and my stomach dropped.

I had a session with Dr.Carson.

Oh Please dear god, help me. I'm gonna need it.


I usually update every 5 or 6 days but I didn't have school today and you deserved it.

I actually look up information for this book bc I know nothing about disorders.


lexie_149 << this is her page, just tap on her name and go under works and then you'll see her first book. I really appreciate it. Thanks so much!

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