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She breathed heavily, looking at the corpse below her, watching it he wheeled away by the not so real ambulance.

Her ears tingled, although she had a headset on, protecting them from any damage.

"..she wouldve killed us both." Y/N let the shock settle in, wiping off the blood on her darkly colored camouflage hoodie.

She quietly got up, looking down at the now empty space, and her bloodied skin. Her gloves gripped the knife harder, but its like it didn't register in her brain.

She just outright..killed someone.

"Lets play with a little bit of fear. Im in shock, how do i get out?" She spoke to herself.

"Hey smii7y, mind kicking me in the non existent nutsack?"


Y/N checked her watch, looking at her minimap to see a car pass by. She chuckled, knowing itll probably be a fail.

"Cant be pussies." Grizzy shrugged, craving some action. Smii7y and blarg laughed while Y/N observed the behavior of the car.

"They know we are here. Personal uav from minimap." Y/N whispered to herself, looking over at smii7y and tapping his shoulder.

"Hey smitzerland, can i have your pellington for a minute?"

"Sure, stay low." Smii7y traveled to her side, looking at whatever she was scoping in on. It clicked in his head what they were trying to do. It was smart, but it couldnt slip by his eyes.

"Y/N, there's a c4 on the car. Theyre smart, look." He pointed out the skin of the car is the bloody white one.

"Wait..there was 6 before.." she butted in.

"Under the bridge." She whispered, scoping out and handing off to smii7y.

"We gotta get out of here. The driver is a literal suicide bomber. He has a c4 planted in there, there was 6 now there's 5. There has got to be 5 heading towards us now under the bridge."

She refused to move, but smii7y kicked their boots to signal them to listen.

"We cant take this fight." Y/N admitted.

"Theyve planned out the Suicide then theyve planned their fighting patterns, weve got to go. NOW. GET DOWN!" She pulled blarg and grizzy down, smii7y and puffer already down in cover.

"Theyve got the fucking UZIs." Smii7y groaned in disbelief. Y/N looked smugly over at the now approaching enemies.

She pulled the pin on her semtex, throwing it and hearing a ding in her headset. "Theyre all dead." She laughed, hearing the explosion and watching all of them, downed under the bridge.

"FAYIRE INNA HOLE!" Blarg screeched, shooting his rpg at the five downed people who made the stupid mistake of traveling close.

"Thats a lesson for ya, never ever group like that," smii7y continued.

"Itll cost ya yer life."

Those words rang in Blargs ears, making him even more trigger happy. He loaded another rpg up, shooting it at the car that had now tried to drive away.

"Thats the ambulance.." puffer awed.

"Remember what was said about perks?" Y/N asked the group.

"I think i found mine." She smirked.

Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now