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"So..we also have a money counter. Makes our trips easier. But is that an actual perk? I mean, we all have watches." Matt started talking about himself, being the only one that ever used his watch to count money.

"Is there a buy here?" Y/N looked around, eventually walking up to the cubbies that did in fact have a buystation.

"Woah..its still 10k for a loadie.." Y/N looked at the prices on the screen.

Smii7y saw a holographic guy pop up, rushing over.

"You look like the type to steal shit, not run a stand." he laughed, shaking the holographic hand.

"What would you like to buy?" A voice emitting from the buystation said, looking at Smii7y.

"A loadout, but we dont have enough." Smii7y smiled, looking into the holographic mans eyes.

"Could we do 7,000?" Smii7y asked, raising a brow under his ski mask. He folded his arms in a polite manner.

"..bit low, but," he paused, thinking.

"- i'll take it. Enjoy the discount fella." The man disappeared. Smii7y looked back at the pricing and it had definitely changed.

"So..is that..my perk?" He beamed, excited. He bought the loadout marker, watching it pop up in a container in his hand.

He threw it directly onto the ground, and as expected, it bounced. The crew cleared the area, standing in a circle for the loadout.

The loadout dropped quickly, making a soft thump sound when making impact. Everyone took their loadouts while Y/N contemplated hers.

"Well..i'll only live once." Y/N smiled, shrugging. She picked up her obsidian Ax50 and obsidian dual kodachis.

"Lets get this shit show going." Puffer said, giving Y/N a nod. She nodded back, confirming she had her loadout. Smii7y ran the platinum grau and Platinum kar98k, as always.

The teams Perks consisted of :

Y/N - Scavenger, High Alert, Battle hardened

Matt - Cold blooded, Overkill, Shrapnel

Smii7y - Quick fix, Overkill, Amped

Grizzy - Double time, Restock, tracker

Puffer - EOD, Ghost, Spotter

(I have no clue if these are what they actually run, but its for the story.)

"Woah, its shiny." Y/N muttered under her breath, running her fingers softly over the rugged yet sturdy material.

"Ax50?" Smii7y Cocked his head to the side, holding his own grau in his hands.

"Yes! Loud bullet go boom!"

Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now