Fourty nine

400 19 39

"Whats goin on, fellers?!" Tyler exclaimed, putting on an accent and high fiving everyone.

"Heard yall needed a 6th!" Wildcat smiled, looking over at the landscape before looking back at the squad.

"Hell yeah big man!" We clapped hands, laughing loudly. I looked back at my boyfriend, smii7y, and proudly smiled.

He smiled right back, giving me a free head pat and greeted tyler.

Nobody matched my energy with him, and that i shall fucking cherish.

"Can we go back?" I started up a song.

"This is the moment!" Grizzy continued with me.

"Tonight is the night!" Tyler went after grizzy.

"We'll fight till its over!~" Matt sprung up.

"So we put our hands up," smii7y said, gesturing for everyone to lift up.

"Like the ceiling cant hold us!" He finished.

"like the ceiling cant hold us!" I restarted from Where smii7y left off, resisting a giggle.

"Can we go back?" Matt Reminisced.

"This is the moment!" Grizzy patted his back.

"Tonight is the night, we fight till its over!" A ghastly voice called.

"So we put our hands up!" A Familiar voice echoed weirdly, the same voice just now.

Everyone looked around us, but everyone shook it off.

"LIKE THE CEILING CANT HOLD US!" Everyone sang together.


"H-Hey guys, im a ghost now.."



"Two, back corner by ladder. Y/N, go with Tyler." Smii7y whispered on the intercom, watching from the mountains as Y/N and Tyler moved in on the left of firehouse(firestation).

"Dead silence, Tyler, Matt, move in." Y/N quietly announced to the new Boots, Tyler.

They hustled into the building, but stopped suddenly at a door. A claymore was highlighted yellow at the other side of the door.

Puffers ability still worked. However, he couldn't hack it because hes dead.

"Unable to hack guys. Sorry!" A ghastly voice of Puffers called out over Eyes end. Matt looked at Y/N, Y/N already looking at matt. They exchanged glances then Nodded.

Y/N broke the plan briefly to Tyler.

"We arent Sneaky beaky like." She muttered, a smile gracing her features.

She ushered them back to where the bertha would be set, facing away from stadium.

"FROGS, FUCKERS!" Y/N screeched loudly, making one of the opponents peak the door where the claymore was behind.

Lets say they dont have a body anymore, or a recognizable one.

Matt reloaded his Rpg, smiling devilishly to himself. "Teamwipe~"

Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now