thirty one

625 24 19

"Smii7y, im okay-" Y/N squeaked.

"No! You almost died." Jaren hugged her closely.

"Youre- Youre suffocating me-!" Y/N squealed, hugging back onto the milkman tightly.

"You got hurt!" Smii7y restated, for about the fifth time. He watched the bullet holes heal and seal themselves over a short span of time, just like in the game.

After keeping her close, silently, he sighed. He took both his gloves hands and squished her face cheeks, kissing her on the nose.

Y/N blushed and jumped in surprise, her arms still clinging to her tightly.

"Im just glad i didnt lose you too." Smii7y softly muttered, standing up and lending Y/N a hand.

"Weve got to choose someone to revive." Y/N quickly made sense of the situation.

"Lets make a desicion based on perks. Likenhow you have team dead silence and i have negotiation? Like that."

"Good thinking. I agree, we should."

"We will not, ever, give you her position."

"That settles it, then." Price sighed.

"What?" Puffer mumbled.

"I didnt wanna do this, you all seem like good men." Price continued, pacing around the room.

"But that woman will be mine." Price grinned sadistically, letting his cigar hit the floor.

6 well armed men, wearing metal plates on their faces and top notch gear, emerged from a door behind him.

"Was that door always there?" Grizzy panicked.

"Man, my asshole is gonna be gaped so hard right now." Blarg cried.

"Wait arent you my bitch?" Price recognized matt.

"I'll stay loyal, sorry." Matt quickly fixed himself.

Grizzy and matt exchanged glances as they were being forcefully detained. They looked back at puffer, who shared the same gaze, followed with a very light smirk.

"Game on, motherfuckers."


"Charly, farah." Price greeted the two women with a friendly smile.

"Captain." They both greeted back with nods.

"Whats it like with Y/N L/N?"

"Shes got a boyfriend." Farah laughed slightly.

"What an awkward place to find love, innit Captain?" Charly started. Unbeknownst to her, she only fueled a fire thatd become too strong to put out afterward.

A boyfriend?

Who is he?

That masked man. Thats him.

They kissed? Thats way out of line.

He wont have her for long.

Not long, at all.

"Captain? Captain!" Simon chimed in, clapping his hands, flicking his fingers and waving in Front of Prices face.

Price jumped back into reality. "Huh? Sorry i blanked out. My apologies."

"We were just talking about the group of 14 she just took out, with the help of the boyfriend." Ghost reannounced to Price.

"A group of 14 people? Wow. Why didnt they shoot her?"

"Simple trick, a distraction! She was counting rules. She gained their complete attention, and she knew when she left out a rule and they didnt question it." Simon gathered his thoughts.

"She almost grabbed me too, it was like watching a movie." Simon finished.

"Interesting. I wonder what else she knows." Farah put her hand up to her chin.

"We shall soon find out." Price chuckled darkly.

"Very soon."

Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now