Twenty seven

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"Sorry Y/N."

"..puffer..?" Her voice trembled.

" sorry."


"Your teammates been done in."

A static erupted instead. The familiar voice of matt began to plead and scream as he was ripped away in agony from his Friends.

"..jaren..?" Y/N asked.

"Y/N. Theyve caught me but i managed to evade them. Are you safe?"

"Yes, ive killed the duo that split for me." Y/Ns voice went from trembling to steady.

"Should we meet halfway? You are still being chased." Y/N asked.

"Meet me where..where our family disbanded."


It was an hours journey to the death site. Your heart ached for grizzy, matt and puffer. They had treated you, of course.

Even if they werent your "real" family, you dared to call them anything else. Your mind recalled the blood splatters on the grass, and how it dripped that made a sploshing noise every time.

Going over your supplies, you traded your semtex for a throwing knife. And that's when you heard it, the heartbreaking words.

"The gulag is closed."

Time stood still, as if, it were probably moving faster than you. You felt a hand touch your shoulder, comfortingly.

Already knowing who it was, you turned around to greet the shaken up man you loved.

"Gulags closed." You spoke shakily.

"I cant beleive it." Smii7ys voice cracked, as he squinted. Ready to spill tears, Y/N pulled the man into her lap.

"Sh, sh.." Y/N started to calm him down the best she could. Well..she couldnt, as she started breaking down with him.

"We have to win this." She spoke dryly, giving him a small, soft smile.

"..we cant give up now." Smii7y hoarsely concluded.

He steadied his breathing and ended up being the one holding her while she cried after him.

"Good show, huh?" A different voice spoke from their left side.

"Yeah, yeah, fuck you." Y/N threw a knife at his head, watching it connect before hearing the 'teamwipe' sound.

"Weve deadass only got 500 bucks." Y/N deadpanned.

Smii7y searched the mans body, feeling lumps on lumps of cash.


Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now