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"What a fun little adventure!~" Matt purred, picking up the money and spare rockets from the enemies he had blasted into oblivion.

"Sure was. Now lets get out of here. How much money did they have?" Tyler added as Y/N cleared the rest of the rooms, giving a signal it was cleared for free roam.

"They had..like 500 bucks. They were pretty broke. I think it was blown on their armor maybe, look at all of it." Matt stated, picking up all the armor for the rest of the team.

Tyler took some and armored up, quietly surveying the area. He deemed it safe aswell, and they made their way back behind the crates they rotated too.

"How was the experience, Tyler?" Grizzy smiled.

"Better than any 4th of july party i ever hosted.."


"You." A gruff voice rang out, startling Puffer.

"..john." puffer calmly 'greeted' the familiar man.

"Im here now. In your stupid ass facility! Is this where you keep all your fully dead players now?" Puffer angrily snarled at the man, behind bars.

John chuckled. "Listen up..weve set up a gulag for our viewing pleasure."

Gaurds invaded every holding cell on the floor of the unfamiliar facility, transporting all the recipents down, deep in the humongous basement.

"Next up!"

The crowd roared, while an announcer in a booth masked with glass announced the next pair.

"C/U Vs...."


"Now, Get ready to place your bets everybody! And let out contestants ready up for the fight."

"N-No..!" Puffer trembled, looking at the massive earbleeding crowd bestowed upon everyone in the gulag.

"Yes, actually!" John spoke, clapping him harshly on the back.

"And here, you train to take on your opponent. Or die. Youve a few hours to yourself mate." He smiled menacingly, grabbing puffers earpiece and crushing it in his hand.

"No one is here to help you. They cant buy you back..even if they had the funds." His dark, quiet chuckles rattled Puffer as he walked away, into a corridor gaurded by a metal door.

The door looked oddly familiar.

Puffer stood at the entrance, giving grizzy a teary side eye. As he glanced back to his friends dead body, and grizzy, he saw Grizzy smile, with the last tear dripping down to his jawline. John Punched him straight in the face with brass knuckles, as puffer looked away.

"Im sorry Grizzy.."

"Im sorry Matt.."

"..i ' ll avenge all of you."

Now he remembered. A metal door, the exact one from when he watched his friends get brutally beaten.

It clicked. If he could get out, he could alert whoever was in there. He needed someone to pass through, so he could slip by.

He needed price.

Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now