sixty four❗

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You guys are still interested in this book? Wow 💀
I appreciate you all <333

Her eyes widened, fully taking in the question. Y/Ns lips quivered, trying to get out the following sentence.

" you.." she whispered, feeling tears surge.

She felt a zombie scratch her, and she flinched, ripping away from Smii7ys warm hands. He immediately opened fire on it with his grau, nailing its skull.

"Are you going to turn?!" Smii7y screamed, boarding up the windows.

"No! The game didnt work like that..!" Y/N shouted back.

"Oh thank god." He walked back, kissing her forehead through his ski mask.

They both blushed and looked away, watching marcels mouth curve into a smile in the process.

"Lovebirds~!" He cooed playfully.

Marcel knew it was probably a bad dream. It was more than obvious to him, since he felt himself be dismembered slowly. He isnt missing any limbs in his actual form.

Y/N flinched a bit at his playfullness, remembering her illusion. Marcel was one of the people that held her down for Smii7y to shoot.

Marcel noticed and backed off a little bit, openly starting conversation.

"Guys, there's something i might be on to." Marcel attempted.

Picking it up, Smii7y and Y/N inquired. "Like what?"

"I think...our dreams, they were fake. I think it was all a ploy to hate eachother." Marcel scratched the back of his head.

"You..are right. In my..illusion...s-smii7y shot me, and you and a few others tackled me so he could actually shoot and kill me. But in the real world, im alive, and im not injured by a bullet or anything." Y/N shamefully stated.

She angled her eyes to the ground, not wanting the eye contact, before she felt Smii7ys hand brush gently against hers as he walked over to her side.

"I had a dream where..well its not as bad as everyone elses probably. It was basically you playing with my feelings and everyone mocking me after." Smii7y was grateful for his ski mask at this moment, it hid his guilt.

Y/Ns hands found its way to his and held it gently.

"Look at the lovebirds holding hands!"


"Whats all the noise??" Puffer came rushing by.

Marcel pointed to their hands and Puffer quickly understood the assignment.


"P U F F E R."


" teamkill on :)?"


"Okay so..i know some of us have played cold how many of you played firebase z???" Noah asked.

"I have, with marcel" jack answered.

"Ive played it." Tyler said.

"I have!" Y/N jumped in.

"So..only 5 of us?" Noah asked again.

Puffer, grizzy, matt, smii7y and moo hadnt played it.

Noah, y/n, tyler, marcel and jack had played it.

Noah filled them in about his talk with Ravenov. Y/N nodded along the way, Smii7y looked like a ticking time bomb, marcel was half asleep and jack was playing the drums on tylers ass.

"Thats what good ass sounds like!"

"Jack what the fuck."

Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now