twenty two

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The voices in my head started getting louder, eventually becoming so loud i thought they were real.

I mean, i guess sometimes i did think they were real.


'What do you mean?'

Kick it in, KICK IT IN.



I woke up in a cold sweat. We were all waking up slightly but my body jolted harshly. Arms that wrapped around me loosened, its warmth leaving.

My eyes peeled open, feeling dizzy. My fingerless gloved hands traveled to my head, massaging it ever so slightly. I felt another pair of hands lightly trace over key parts of my head that ached the most.

"Man i feel like i took one too many Advils." I sighed, thinking about my past. I may not remember much of it, but i do remember the gunshots, the dust flying, the shooting ranges.

Its calling me. Its where i would go to escape. Droid could never touch me there. He wouldnt budge if i ever told him i go to a shooting range every day in order to vent because i had no one.

Now i do have people. People who love and cheer for me. I wont let them down, as theyve never let me down.

I smiled, leaning back into Smii7ys touch. It felt magical, i felt so giddy...this is what love is, isnt it? Giggling against his touch, he hugged me from behind in a sitting position.

"Love birds." Grizzy smirked, happily looking over at them.

"Who knew we would find love in the heart of a war." Smii7y stroked the hair on my head, running his fingers through it.

"Well, we gotta get going, people definitely know we are here now. We gotta move today." Y/N inputted.

"Thats true, think about it. She killed droid, we killed the team before droid and then the team last night." Blarg added.

"Yeah, she has a point, i think we should move into village. Though obviously there are going to be teams there..." puffer started.

"Then we ' ll just kill them all." Grizzy stated as if it were so simple. He slicked back his curls with his hand, huffing.

"I say we get going." Smii7y peeked from Y/Ns shoulder.

"Alright love bird!" Matt started up with an accent.

"Only for her."

"Woah, simp." Y/N commented with a grin.

"You bet." He boasted.


Puffer and Grizzy fell behind trees up toward village. Two teams were in village currently, shooting at eachother loudly from the windows.

"Eyes, see anything?" Y/N asked over her headset.

"Two teams, fighting from their top windows. Second floors. Either smg or Ars, be careful, boots." Puffer gave the weapon descriptions to Y/N, who passed it onto her semi group with smii7y and blarg.

"Copy that, eyes, over." Y/N whispered, giving obscure signals to Smii7y who looked at blarg confused. Blarg just shrugged his shoulders and loaded up his rpg.

Grizzy stood quietly. His feet uncomfortably shifted, making etches into the dirt. Puffer noticed his state, knocking his gun lightly onto the trees to get his attention.

Grizzy looked at him, eyes grazing over his features before giving a huff in reassurance. His thoughts traveled far.

Theres two in the building theyre rushing, ive only seen two shots fired from there. Four from their opponents, that tracking looks oddly familiar. Ffar. Theres no doubt it. Ffar..uzi.

"Boots do not engage, i repeat. Boots, do not engage." Grizzy repeated over his headset, getting a response.

"Alright, eyes, whats it look like?" Matt answered from his headset. Y/N, Smii7y and Matt stayed silent, waiting for a response.

"The building youre about to clear has only 2 actively shooting. Their opponents are four man. They hold ffars, uzis and was looks like am M4." Grizzy calmly replied.

"Copy that."

"One last thing." Grizzy replied.

"Check your ammo reserves. Over." He smiled, looking over at puffer.

"Claymore top at their entrance, be wary, thats all i can gather from here boots. Enjoy grizzys present." Puffer concluded.

Y/N, took out a mag from her ammo belt hanging by her shoulder bag, reading the label.

'Stopping power'

Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now