twenty one

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Its been a month since Droid died.

Smii7y normally just hung around Y/N alot, yet he didnt really make moves incase he was being rejected in his feelings. He kept his touchy behavior at a minimum even when he wanted to hold her hand.

Y/N grabbed his hand whenever no one was looking, tightly interlacing their fingers together. She knew he loved the feeling of her fingerless gloves on his gloved hands.

"Y/N?" Jaren softly called her name. Enough of the sweet dawdling everyone wished wouldve happened, there was a full team of six on the field.

They havent moved positions in a month, they normally kept to the mountains. Their home, as they call it, was never stumbled upon while 5 people slept and one took nightwatch.

Currently, its night. Y/N was awake for the watch, it was her turn. Y/N put a hand over his mouth, almost like a slap.

"Sh. Full team 6 crossing." Y/N muttered.

"Wake them up, i ' ll keep a close eye."

Y/N let go if smii7y, letting him slowly wake everyone up. When he got everyone up, he filled them in on the team.

"Lay low, we move on my signal." Y/N ordered.

Grizzy, puffer, matt and smii7y all nodded, laying in the dirt, covering themselves in it. Y/N dirtied herself aswell, making them all camouflage well in their surroundings.

"Is everyone positioned?" Y/N asked.

"Ready when you are, give me the signal and its a go." Matt whispered in the dead of night. He loaded his rpg, aiming in.

"Hold." Y/N said. She observed the team of 6 hiding behind a bus inconveniently placed in the open. They all got in it, placing down deployable covers, claymores, proximity mines, you name it, they have it.

Theyre intent on staying there. Probably for sleep and hygiene.

She pondered. She huffed, Y/N talking over the mic one last time.


Y/N put her hands over her ears, narrowly looking at the team with her spotter scope.

Silently, she felt satisfaction wash over her as the team of 6 dissappeared. She heard back over her earpiece:

"6 down, teamwipe."

"Do we pick up loot later?" Y/N pulled her group into conversation.

"id say its safer later, because itll take a while for their equipment to despawn, if at all." Puffer chimed in.

"I agree with puffer on that." Smii7y backed up puffer, leaving grizzy and matt to answer.

"..i think we should stay until its safer." Grizzy and matt agreed.

"Tomorrow it is." Y/N chirped.

The 6 regrouped, finding good spots to rest on the mountainside. Matt slept by bushes while Puffer and grizzy slept by more area covered by trees.

Y/N smiled, laying down, patting the dirt next to her for smii7y to lay. She heard a soft chuckle emit from the man, followed by soft rustling of his clothes twisting to lay down.

"Good Night Jaren." She gave him a quick kiss to his nose. In return he gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now