Twenty Nine❗

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❗ - Y/N doing hot girl shit!!! No you chapter skippers, its not a lemon 🔫☺️


She is everything to me.

Smii7y, focusing on the group of 14, Spoke over the intercom.

"I love you, try your best."

Y/N sighed before replying her last message.

"I love you too." Y/N tried her best to not let the thoughts of death overcome her, and thankfully she suceeded.

Y/N approached the group of 14 with a neutral look on her face that alerted some people.

"Yo! You lookin to join?" One of the members called out to her, nonchalantly.

"Sure, you can call it that." Y/N stuffed The persons stomache full of Obsidian from her Dual kodachis.

"PUT THEM DOWN!" Guns from 14 different people stuck at her head.


"COVER ME!" another person yelled, as their armor broke. They tried to figure out where it came from, but someone else called out their armor situation.

"My armor broke!" Someone called, and everyones attention fixated on trying to find whoever needed aid.

Y/N watched as they all dispersed like roaches, laughing to herself mentally.

"Rule number 1!" She called, swinging her kodachis excellently.

"Dont let your gaurd down." Y/N threq a slew of Throwing knives from her pack, injuring 5 people out of 14, plus the two that had broken armor, making 7 out of 14.

"SHOOT HER!" one yelled out from the crowd, as Y/N stood on a boulder.

She pulled out her Ax50, No scoping the guy who had coerced people to open fire.

"RULE NUMBER 2! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." Y/N dragged the downed guy to her side through the crowd.

Ive got their attention, it seems. How pathetic!

She cut him open with her Kodachi, examining the body getting wheeled away by the spirit ambulance.

"RULE NUMBER 3!" Y/N downed someone with a throwing knife.

She finished them off with another.

"Always be prepared."

"Yeah right lady." A user with an ASVAL aimed at her head.

She smirked, watching Him take a Sniper bullet to the head.

"RULE NUMBER 5, never ever underestimate your superior."


Bullets came flying at Y/N, but instead she sighed and Ran straight towards them. She ducked beneath the line of fire, obstructing some peoples vision.


She slid behind the group of people, cutting off their limbs with heavy hands. She amputated their legs for free.

"You die."

The captain puffed at his Cigar again, looking over at everyone in the infirmary.

A big, dark skinned man with frizzy hair took a large gasp of air.

His friends, two other men, started to appear lively again.

"So." Price muttered, watching the three men gather themselves.

"Youve died." Price chuckled.

"And since your here now, in what i like to call 'the afterlife' i ' ll propose a trade." Price bent down to the levels of Grizzy, Puffer and Blarg.

"Sell out Y/Ns position, and her relationship with the Canadian, and youll be all sent back free of charge." Price smirked.

"..its a good deal! 1 person for 3 in return. Amirite?"

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