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Republished, longer now

"We were jumped?!" Moo choked.

"Yeah, apparently. Y/N was awake so she heard footsteps and voices." Puffer filled him in.

"Thats..scary. i guess im not exactly used to this sort of thing yet." Moo sighed.

"Well, how long were you here?" Y/N asked, yawning. Her hunched over figure kind of gave away her drowsiness.

"I was boots on the ground for about 3 weeks before my team moved without me one morning, and that same morning i was ambushed." Moo scratched the back of his head.

"Thats...sickening." Y/N sighed.

"So ive been in the gulag for a while."

"For a while?! A while?! Brock youve been in there the ENTIRE GAME." Y/N went wide eyed.

"I was?!"

"YES?!?!?" Smii7y jumped in.


Brock thinned his lips, the sentence from bale right before he died finally came back to his mind.

"Hey, Brock.." puffer walked over to him. The squad was still in the tower apart from Y/N and Smii7y who went to fetch supplies.

"Hey man."

"Watcha thinkin about?" Puffer smiled, sitting next to him.

"Well..remember when..we busted out the gulags?" Moo started to explain.

Puffer nodded silently, urging him to continue.

"When..i looked back for Nikto and Bale, Bale muttered a line to me, and i figured out what it was." Moo scratched the back of his head, mentally preparing himself.

"..what was it?"

"Get out of this simulation."

" fucking god. How are we going to tell the others?" Puffer whispered, visibly concerned and confused.

"I-I dont know!" Brock whisper-Screamed.

"Tell us what?"

"Well..get everyone here first, Smii7y."


"Alright, what did you want to tell us?" Grizzy asked. Everyone was huddled together in the tower, low enough not to be seen from the outside.

"This..battlefield-- this warzone we are living in right now, its..not real!" Brock looked up from his lap.

"...explain." puffer urged him.

"When everyone busted out, one of the men who helped us said something about getting out of a simulation."

"Where is he now?" Jack asked.

"Didn't you see when he was cut in half?!"

"wait, WHAT?"

"When i looked back, thats what i heard then..then..i.." Moo shook his head.

"I saw him die.." moo sighed, defeated.

"Its .. okay." Y/N consoled.

"I know its not much, but we all will get through it, together." Smii7y said, consoling him alongside Y/N.


"How is the portal holding?" A gruff voice asked.

"Its holding just fine. Just wait till they realize theyre gonna go through another form of hell after they get out."

Chuckling, the mans partner added. "Theyll never get out. Theyll die in the firebase if they make it through Verdansk."

"Right on. But lets give them a little fighting chance...shall we?"

"No, the nuke doesnt need to be dropped now. In the next week it should. Give the worms a little time to say their goodbyes, no?"

" week it is then."

"Next week, indeed."

Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now